Sunday, February 22, 2015

Recommended Bowen reproduced

Recommended Bowen reproduced
Chinese small dogs (the small dogs) is the ancient Chinese hunting dog, small dogs later hunting dogs so less obvious role gradually reared in Liaocheng, Liangshan (hairy strain), Shandong Jining (shorthair strain), resulting in the loss of many purebred small dogs small dogs stock now less pure. 2000 foreign hound poured into China and other species, gradually academy awards ballot being replaced by small dogs Whippets, Greyhounds, which was originally just restore market like small dogs worse. Introduction must admit, now talking about small dogs really is embarrassing thing! ! A few years ago Harriers collectively small dogs, small dogs that China and later differentiation academy awards ballot by China Shandong and Shaanxi small dogs into two types, and now appear differentiation Shandong, Shanxi, Hebei, Mongolia four types, really can not After a few years this market will guess what, rather, "Tai academy awards ballot Chi began Promise, academy awards ballot divided two appearances, like from two appearances in four, four, like the evolution of gossip" flavor, is now the fish, every one of the dire straits! To observe the small dogs for more than ten years of experience in the market for small dogs, "its essence to its dregs" attitude, fear, dial-point academy awards ballot maze! Chek County Divine qualify as a "small dogs" name of dogs into two categories, Shandong and Shaanxi, no semicolon! Perhaps the smell filled the ears of Shanxi, Hebei, Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu and other different regions of small dogs, please strongly negative, if you are there to defend the truth of the spirit of man! ! In order to avoid the development of Chinese small dogs were strangled again, hope our insight into action to rescue the varieties for China to contribute. Also hope that the domestic authorities pay attention to it, to provide a good development space for the development of China's small dogs. Comparison of Shaanxi, Shandong small dogs small dogs feathering shorter limbs texture developed, giving the feeling of delicate, Shaanxi small dogs are slightly longer hair ornaments, sheep nose (the most notable feature of), giving a sharp feeling. About Shandong basic shape of small dogs small dogs: Shorthair strains: Ear thin, sagging, Apex rounded, tight posts on both sides of the head when the excitement, ears spacing is small, narrow head, mouth Qi, flat forehead, nose red. There apricot eye eye, jade eyes, red eye, gray eyes of four, of which the best jade eyes. Slender academy awards ballot arched neck, head and neck length is proportional to length, neck, chest, waist circumference was proportional. Caudate academy awards ballot tail like a rat, a flexible form of circle-shaped swing section sixteen dogs, bitches eighteen, drooping over an inch above the hock hind legs. 60-75 cm tall, rabbit paw, dogs testicles close to the sides of the thigh, before and after the arrangement was. Hair shorter than 1cm, various colors, gray, blood red, pure white, black, tiger color, beige and so on. Among the gray, blood red best. Absolute loyalty to his master, good to go home performance, memory strong. Sense of smell, the title takes desire, desire to hunt high and good endurance. Compared to adapt to the plains hunting. Can also be used as a guard dog. Longhaired strains: streamlined shape, very beautiful, is a large dog. Weighing 20-30 kg, head long and narrow, tapered. academy awards ballot Flat forehead, teeth into a scissor bite, strong jaw. Large and bright eyes, ears spacing is small, sagging. Red nose, and looked lively. Beautiful flexible neck arched. Body long, muscular tail drooping ends curled. Ears, fore and hind limbs, tail feather, ear hair by the Minister ears until Apex, Apex no hair. Chest deep waist back arched, color variety, the existing black, tiger color, white. East Africa is very similar with the hounds. According to historical records, East Asian hound pedigree dogs. Asia's relations with China now fine hound dog needs to be verified. Longhaired high strain hunting desire, there is a strong and lasting endurance explosive, along with good flexibility. China today is fine in the beagle dog experts. Loyalty to his master, hostile to strangers, do not easily let people close, can be used as a guard dog. Head broad skull, academy awards ballot wedge-shaped, flat forehead, kiss shrill and long, straight or slightly concave nose. Eye oval, large and bright, clever and lively expression, eye pigment deep preferred. Ear ears spacing is small V-shaped thin drooping, Apex obtuse, ear length to nozzle angle. Broad nose, nose black, white, flesh-colored dogs allowed. Tongue red, with black spots (flower academy awards ballot tongue) academy awards ballot is preferred. Tooth scissors bite. Jaw strong. Slender neck and muscular, slightly arched pretty flexible, to the shoulder gradually widened. Try tilting the shoulder, muscular, not weight. Forelegs upright, shoulder perfect phase, academy awards ballot Department of the Ministry developed. academy awards ballot Long hind legs and buttocks, muscular and powerful, wide and natural ground, legs bent stifles, hocks well bent and close to the ground, dogs testicles close to the sides of the thigh, before and after the arrangement was. Waist deep chest and waist harness back arched, academy awards ballot chest broad speed appropriate to be quite slim waist with elastic academy awards ballot ribs such as the arcuate bend, lift up, muscular and powerful. Toe to toe like rabbit meat toe tough, hard and compact, with feathering toes, foot valve close hard, thick foot pads .. Tail long and slender, low root of the tail position, long-haired curly ends up like a little rat-tailed, flexible form of circle-shaped academy awards ballot swing; Shorthair type tail drooping over two hind hock coat over coat, short and fine, close to the skin , long-haired little longer, with satin luster. Coat color, variety, single color better. Long-haired ear tufts, between fore and hind limbs, tail, claws with feathering, ear hair by the Minister ears until Apex, long tail feather temperament: nerve sensitive, smart, loyal and stable docile personality, academy awards ballot a strong desire to hunt. 60--70 cm tall male dogs: dogs bitches 55--65 cm weight 20-30 kg, 15-25 kg Bitches Shaanxi small dogs: hairy strains: Shaanxi fine dog has a long history in our country is as one of the true breed hound used mainly grown in Weinan, Shaanxi Guanzhong area, is mainly used to chase hunting hare! Also housekeeping guard. Shaanxi small dogs is characterized Head The head is long and narrow, suddenly widens to the eye, the length of the right, it is very delicate, his head and face appear even before harmony. (In the eye and forehead at a relatively wide East Africa) [nasal] The nose is pure black, some nose or nasal root reddish brown. Shaanxi fine pure white meat red nose dogs allowed. Nose uplift, like sheep nose. Only a slight rise to the Ministry of the center line along the front face (or no), and disappeared in front of the eyes, so clear line of sight, there is no conflict (Shaanxi hounds have no nose, and East Africa have rhinoplasty, academy awards ballot but Shaanxi to Rhinoplasty better, Shaanxi small dogs so much good product rhinoplasty, and East Africa does not have this to say.) [] ear ear thin, long, similar to acute triangle, Apex rounded, hanging on both sides of the head. Ear and eye, nose in a line, ear hair by the Minister ears until Apex, Apex no hair. Most ear hair length does not exceed nose after straightening. (This point relative to East Africa, the East African filamentous hair, ear hair mostly long, there are a lot of a lot more than the nose.) [Eye] big and bright eyes, almond, amber or dark brown, not prominent, and looked lively. [Jaw] jaw is very powerful and strong jaw minister; for clamp-like bite and mouth, the jaw teeth evenly matched, perfectly aligned, no overshot or undershot. (Such as the mouth is hard to come by. Scissors bite and more common, and the ratio of clamp-like bite and easier to breed, scissors bite and not be penalized). The following scenario is a fault: overshot or undershot. Neck and neck] sufficient length, strong and arched, flexible beautiful arched, curved shape and shoulder connection. Shoulder length and slightly tilted backwards. The following scenario is a fault: Neck too short or too thick, sheep neck, goose neck, neck muscle or bone deficiency. [Body] was streamlined shape, very beautiful, is a large dog. From the withers to the waist, back line looks almost completely horizontal. Slightly smaller waist powerful and strong, slightly arched, academy awards ballot disappeared in the buttocks. Hip is very prominent, and put on the flank. Shoulder height and body length (the distance from the chest to the hips) is roughly equal, chest deep, well-sprung ribs, moderate width. The following scenario is a fault: arched, recessed back, goose ass, loose waist, hip is not prominent. [Leg] legs are straight and strong, significant shoulder muscles, shoulder proper angle, so that the legs of the body below the appropriate location. Length academy awards ballot from the elbow to the pasterns large, long and straight pasterns. The hindquarters are strong and muscled, hocks and buttocks between sufficient length; hocks, hock and knee angles are very appropriate; from hock to crotch academy awards ballot slightly curved arched. academy awards ballot The following scenario is a fault: pasterns lax or crushed knee too straight, hocks too long. [Feet] of moderate length, toes long and arched, no open, but the cat is not enough; the whole is very strong and supple, between the toes feathered tail] [Set on overly tall, slender, with naturally curved drooping, curved end, even rolled into a ring. Here there is a long tail, silk, feathered, not very dense. The following scenario is a fault: Overall excessive curl or roll backs, or bent side of the body; too thick. academy awards ballot Coat short hair smooth and close the ears and tail of Ministers, have silky, academy awards ballot feathery hair, requires a long as well, the rest of the requirements of short clean, fresh appearance. [Color] academy awards ballot all colors are allowed, in white, black, red-based, solid more. There are also blue, brindle (pear), but rare. Black allowed white coat in the chest. [] The overall appearance gives the overall Indian varieties such as elegant and well-proportioned, with fast speed and excellent endurance, powerful, active, capable of killing rabbits or other prey in the plains. Look dignified and elegant, a pair of deep, loyal, longing eyes. [Elsewhere] Shorthair type variant of this variant are identical to those described above, in addition to hair, no feathering. [] Male shoulder height 70cm, up and down the difference 5cm. Female 65cm, up and down the difference 5cm. [Weight] male weighing 25-30 kg, 20-25 kg female body weight. East Africa is very similar with the hounds. According to historical records, East Asian hound pedigree dogs. Asia's relations with China now fine hound dog needs to be verified. Longhaired high strain academy awards ballot hunting desire, there is a strong and lasting endurance explosive, along with good flexibility. academy awards ballot China today is fine in the beagle dog experts. Loyalty academy awards ballot to his master, hostile to strangers, academy awards ballot do not easily academy awards ballot let people close, can be used as a guard dog. Q 1. small dogs small dogs come from? Salukis from East Africa Could be true? Small dogs hound mostly visual, relying strong pace with sharp visual lock and chase prey, a small number of both olfactory and visual dual identity, which can not only run to win, you can also rely on a keen sense of smell search hide in caves or firewood stack in the hare. Olfactory academy awards ballot aspects of skills acquired academy awards ballot can train! Small dogs are not suitable for mountainous areas, the vast expanse of land is most suitable for them to run, like Qinchuan, like the northwest plains, there are also the fastest running hare, small dogs and rabbits, born pair hare, throughout academy awards ballot the entire history of the evolution of small dogs, and small dogs, but also throughout the entire history of Chinese civilization, small dogs from Chinese native breeds. It was suspicious, CCTV "off thrust Rabbit" is not to say that small dogs only gradually appear on the Han and Tang pottery do after seemingly bad moment to answer the questions so you can set questions, Magellan navigation prove that the earth is round, that this Is that side of the Earth before it? Some things are objective and not to enter the horizon of time to determine its origin. academy awards ballot Salukis and small dogs like like, just Salukis academy awards ballot world-famous, is well-known fine dog, but the dog has always been fine little attention, so some "traditional" Chinese people academy awards ballot began to "look forward" on, says small dogs from abroad as mayor, then a warm heart, a smile on his face did feel good thing, it is not true! Small dogs, local distribution in China is limited, the more severe the hybrid, which has almost no people can be recognized standard, A said that he was the standard, B said that he was the standard, C is said that he was in standard, in fact, Chinese dialect called "small dog" contains academy awards ballot two extremely important factors in it: a slender and elegant 2. indispensable! The first concept is easy to understand, academy awards ballot but why it elegant? Then look at the words to understand it: Chu slender academy awards ballot waist, where "fine" is a beautiful, food is too refined cuisine is too thin, where "fine" is a fine, then all conditions through integrated Imagine! Some people feel very skinny dog called small dogs, especially small dogs Shandong, in all regions of the province has actually failed to reach, there are so thin it a little bit vain own dog is fine, it is blind! CCTV rich "Shandong small dogs," the show is the most standard of Shandong small dogs: tongue ink pattern, hind legs higher than the front legs, walking up a vertical and a vertical of this ............. can be used as authoritative reference! Some people like the Greyhound called small dogs, it is called superficial, it is not understand Chinese ancient culture too broad performance, Greyhound does not meet the criteria elegant, but do not meet the strict sense of the skinny! Salukis seemingly meet these two criteria, it has become the focus of most problems. Small dogs with longer Salukis in the end who is who? It can tease people's appetite, but so far there is no authoritative statement, the domestic small dogs lovers are the most widely recognized: small dogs and Salukis same root, the two branches, academy awards ballot each evolution! Salukis and small dogs in the nose or eyes nuanced terms, this distinction is not who who breed difference, the difference is more like the individual, is not a big difference with the other breeds of hybrid genetic heritage aspects of texture, while showing this is the same root, but minor differences Datong difference! Small dogs originated from China, relations with the Salukis pending technology and other aspects of a comprehensive academy awards ballot system of research! 2. With regard to small dogs "fat boy crazy old lady talk, led by Huang left and right engine Cang ......" what in the end is how the words? CCTV rich "Shandong small dogs," which comes "fat boy crazy old lady talk, led by Huang left and right engine Cang ......" is the Song Lu Fang Weng said, this is wrong, this is a tie Su Shi noun " Jiang Chengzi. Missouri hunting "in the famous, mentioned in Missouri, which is now in Zhucheng, Shandong Weifang, to be honest, so bold words, the man who wrote Chizui Sensation" Reproduction ", disappearing when the old wrote "child", how could write Lu vagrant life out of it! Frankly, playing with the dog enthusiasts already little academy awards ballot intellectuals, I do not know who is responsible so no clarion call in the circle, all the players will be indiscriminate white parrot up and repeated academy awards ballot the baseless assertion, causing the same mistake again, plus CCTV drawn not careful, just cast this mistake! Again depth Frankly, word called academy awards ballot "left pull yellow" That's not necessarily small dogs, some people are hysterical, academy awards ballot hard to claiming credit. Small dogs are excellent Chinese native breeds, in this initiative, on standard small dogs, can make heresy, can long-term perspective, you can take questionable, but the way love small dogs must be honest and bright, but also claim kinship with the Salukis, and The dog is fine arty Mr. Yu Dongpo of nouns immoral things, hope will no longer appear! Small dogs and Greyhound dog there with Gree Gree Salukis Dog Greyhound dog, they both are the same color apricot boil pumpkin goods, just different names only! Because Greyhound English writing: Greyhound, direct read out is made, "Geli" sound, is in Hong Kong, it is called, is called transliteration. Greyhound is the official name for the continent's farm animal department is called translation, academy awards ballot gang Exotic foreign dogs, nothing else besides a son rushing ability, faster speed than where pro-telling anyone, not primary care

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