Thursday, February 5, 2015

1984.- In Struga die Vlado Maleski, Macedonian revolutionary socio-political worker, writer, public

Timeline: September 23 | Kicevo
63 p.n.e- Born Roman statesman and commander Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian August, the first Roman Emperor, adopted son of Gaius Julius Caesar. In 31 BC after the conquest of Egypt took all power and abolished the republic. Introduced a new form of governance and administration, known as the principle (centralization of power). The new constructions have razubavil Rome helped science and art which his rule is the best period in Roman history which is called "August" and "Golden Age."
1870.- Die French writer Prosper Mérimée. He with his novels "Carmen" indie spirit awards and "Colombo" inspired the French indie spirit awards composer Georges Bizet to write operas. With great admiration wrote about Russian writers Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol and Ivan Turgenev.
1889.- Born Walter Lippmann, North American journalist with great authority on foreign indie spirit awards policy issues. By 1966 he was editor indie spirit awards and uvodnichar of the "New York Herald Tribune." Twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize. She died on December 14, 1974.
1901.- In Prague was born Jaroslaw Sajfert, Czechoslovak writer, poet - a poet whose verses glorified youth, hope, love of nature and solidarity with the oppressed. Celebrity collections "City of Tears", "Nightingale Loches sing", "Turn off the lights" and "While it did not rain on our coffin." In 1984 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Died in Prague on January 10, 1986.
1903.- Over village Tsapari, Pelister fought the last battle rebel (Pelistersko battle) in Bitola during indie spirit awards the Ilinden Uprising. In the struggle indie spirit awards against the Ottoman army killed 48 insurgents.
1916.- born Italian politician and university professor Aldo Moro, the Italian Prime Minister from 1963 to 1968 and from 1974 to 1976. He was Minister of Justice, Minister of Education, Political Secretary of the Christian Democratic Party and several times foreign minister. In March 1978 abducted indie spirit awards and killed the terrorist group "Red indie spirit awards Brigade".
1923.- Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Bulgaria raised mass anti-fascist uprising in Bulgaria and Macedonia Prinska, known in history as the uprising in September. The uprising indie spirit awards was the result of the heightened revolutionary indie spirit awards crisis in the country and open a conflict of Bulgarian reaction with the working class and oppressed peoples in Pirin Macedonia.
1938.- In Vienna was born Romy Schneider, an Austrian film actress. Save more than 50 films, mostly in France and Italy. The best known and roles in the movies "Sissy", "Cardinal", "winners", "Killing Trotsky" and "Direct death." She died in Paris on May 29, 1982.
1939.- In London died Sigmund Freud, an Austrian scientist, founder of psychoanalysis. His best known works are "horse indie spirit awards psychology of everyday life", "Interpretation of dreams" and others. Born in Freiberga on May 6, 1856.
1957.- Greece rejects Bucharest Romania joined the Balkan alliance, in which the agreements concluded in 1953 in Ankara and in 1954 entered the Bled Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey.
1973.- In Santiago died Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet, communist and social worker. He is one of the greatest writers indie spirit awards who worked in Spanish. Courageously resist the fascist indie spirit awards junta after the murder of Allende. His funeral in 1973 turned into a glorious manifestation of anti-fascists and Chilean patriots against stravovladeenjeto Pinochet. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971 and the "Golden Wreath" of the Struga Poetry Evenings in 1972. Born in steam on May 12, 1904.
1984.- In Struga die Vlado Maleski, Macedonian revolutionary socio-political worker, writer, publicist and writer. He is one of the founders of the most talented young Macedonian prose. Works stories "George's crimson", "swells" and "saying" the novel "What indie spirit awards was heaven," "War, people," war "," Loom "," indie spirit awards Save Ezerka Drimski "and" Knots " . He is the author of the script for the first Macedonian film "Frosina". Born in Struga, on September 5, 1919.
1996.- Greek Socialist Prime Minister Costas Simitis, who came to the position in January 1996 replacing the ill Andreas Papandreou won elections conservative rival and won chetigodishen mandate to govern the country. indie spirit awards
1997.- The peace negotiations in Northern Ireland, Protestant unionists for the first time after 75 years of talk face to face with the leaders of the "Sinn Fein" political wing of the terrorist organization severnoirskata Roman Catholic Irish Republican Army.
1999.- Yugoslav government accommodated by the Security Council of the United Nations indie spirit awards to reverse the renaming of the terrorist "Kosovo Liberation Army" in the Kosovo Protection Corps, because it terorsitite practically legalized.

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