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As manipulate photography, especially in politics
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Politicians with good political program can experience a complete failure due to an accident or superficial defense photograph that shows a completely different image than the one candidate who has, or would like to have.
Until of course you have heard people "a picture is worth more than a thousand words." Although in the past this axiom has accepted the majority of people, politicians were somewhat skeptical. academy awards fashion However after many years the political parties and candidates realized that choosing a photo that will appear on their promotional material, or in the media is of primary importance.
But with the development of technology and the emergence of television as a comprehensive media (picture and sound), and the development of social networks, even competent and serious candidates, politicians academy awards fashion with good political academy awards fashion program can experience a complete failure due to an accident or superficial Defense photo, which shows a completely different image than the one candidate who has, or would like to have.
Photography academy awards fashion by which candidate announces its immediacy, competence, confidence, intelligence, must be improvisation before lens of a friend or amateur photographer. Rather, it should be the result of the work of the team, made up of a professional photographer, who has specialized in portraits, and artistic director, who helps political adviser and make up.
When talking about the image of a particular person, they are conditioned and attitudes academy awards fashion are formed academy awards fashion on the basis of the signals emitted by the particular person to the outside academy awards fashion world with its appearance and behavior.
Communication may be verbal or nonverbal. In case of a political candidate, academy awards fashion both modes of communication have the same meaning. Since it is expected appearance, which should fit the stereotype of a person who aspires to a public academy awards fashion office, academy awards fashion and communicating with words, on whose basis we can conclude that the candidate is able to elaborate complex content and can verbally be expressed in terms that correspond to his current role, or the role that he wants to take when you have the support of voters.
Non-verbal communication academy awards fashion most contributes to defining academy awards fashion the image of a person, especially a candidate for public office, so, it ought to pay particular attention to the thoughts of every seemingly insignificant detail. This type of communication involves transmitting signals that influence academy awards fashion what is said and what is done, and they (signals) condition the reaction of those who listen and observe.
Phases of sending the message to its understanding, can intervene so that the recipient get precisely the message that the sender wants to convey. This intervention is mainly the sender, and so, he becomes the message.
The establishment of the winning image of a politician means intervening on his communication, verbal or nonverbal, so that the electorate would have perceived (I experienced) as the winner and quality politician.
The first picture was patented in France in 1839 by Louis Daguerre, whose ideas came the famous dagerotipija process, and later the state received a lifetime pension for the invention. It is interesting that all findings necessary for photography, were previously known, but had to wait until the maturity of a company to accept the risk.
With the emergence of the photos in the media they immediately took primacy of truth, because (at least then so they thought) it is not manipulated by man, unlike the drawings that everyone

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