Sunday, August 24, 2014

5 weeks ago

He wants to lay on the floor, raise my legs high in the air and counting bugs and birds preleću.Ali me instead I'm taking a dust mop and dusting off the table, wardrobe, books, grammys winners even though there might not exist.
Internal disorder is diagnosed by asking herself sebi.Hvata me for gušu.Iz pure peace heart beats to the rhythm of tam-tama.Sve in me treperi.Osećam him in the throat, that goes into usta.Zubi cvokoću.Kažem myself, "Breathe deeply, Breathe deeply, one, two, three, breathe in, breathe out ... "
While sitting at the table and count the strokes of his heart and flank pain in his head coming misli.Čini me that I was able to get to grips with all the svačim.A then again-I say to myself: "You're a coward, a real aunt, you do not succeed, always give in and agree. "
What do you do? Room in my tesno.Zagušljivo.Zagušljivo in me samoj.Moja skin crisp, wants to popuca.Tesno I was born koži.A again, I'm afraid of the dark and krenem.Bojim nepoznatog.Sve as one long, impersonal ulica.Vidim and blind me.
I remembered se.Upeklog the July sunca.Pitome Banat street that protegla.Vodim children to show them the house dedova.Kažem them, "I know where that kuća.Koliko grammys winners times I'm there igrala.Naći je.Ništa not worry."
We came up short j and the streets. T Amish are nazire.Ta deep, murky river tells me I zalutala.Vidim.Na end of the street there is no fountain from which once brought water, grammys winners but never pila.Ta yellow, thick and oily water that smelled of hlor.Dinarci , who settled in the Banat SOROVO always asked: "So is this the water piće.Naša, mountain water is clear and cold, and when you get drunk and sit you become hungry.
I'll find her, tell im.Moram that pronađem.Takvu house, with large cleaved door and porch, yard with a barn-I can not zaboravim.Nisam zalutala.Pogledajte, that's the ulica.Ta house there really is not my concoction.
A house that I really have to sebi.Satima I, when we came to the room, sitting in that door, watching people as prolaze.Uveče listening to crickets and counting cattle, which is slowly being introduced in staju.I I see this big, sometimes German, house , in which, after the war, brought the colonists from the hilly parts of Herzegovina, Bosnia and Montenegro.
Are you this farting around with me-I ask seriously.
Well packaged box by western kriterijumima.Kulturna and prilagodljiva.Prijateljstvo here around me smells, but no boju.Ne can it fill my mouth, I can not hug him, get cold je.I me cold from him.
I wonder when's the separation that boli.Kad know that something like above all, to be back there, and yet you a hundred things and reason tell us that there is no more povratka.Kad're torn when I was an inner side of the south, and the other severu.Žude to one another and can never be happy and pomire.Znaš the answer? grammys winners
Of course not znaš.Niko do not zna.Znam just that it hurts terribly grammys winners boli.Ne uvek.I not često.Ali a night when the wolves awaken in me, when biting and zavijaju.Tada grammys winners my body and soul crying trying to smiri.Ali not ide.Grčim se.Tražim grammys winners support.
Milena Vukoje Stamenkovic was a longtime journalist "Vecernje Novosti", and their correspondent in Switzerland. Now working as prevodilac.Pesnik and storyteller. Written and published in Serbian and German.
She has published books of poetry: Touch of birds (1992) decomposed the knee (2001), Well (2004), When the angels sleep (2008), In the quiet room (2011) and storybooks: Mouth of the River (2002) and Tales from the mirror (2008) .Priredila the Proceedings grammys winners of the Association of Serbian writers in Švajcarskoj- Legacies 2010 bilingual book (in Serbian grammys winners and German) Written in the Heart (2010). He has won some awards and honors, and the Frankfurt library is her song Gemini (Computer Components) included in the book "The Best Songs 2007/2008."
See more: More: grammys winners
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