Saturday, March 1, 2014

For example, an example of unmanned vehicles with machine translation

The machine translation technology to achieve what the specific extent, only way to implement the "localization" and "thorough knowledge of decentralization?" Here, I tried to use the following example to benchmark, grammy performer 2011 bold black as the original, grammy performer 2011 crude Blue body as the ground of the best templates, thin body was black and the literal translation of the original popular. Translate the so-called "letter, and Elegance" 3-level, small personal view is that, in order to implement "a thorough knowledge of decentralization," the literal translation generally do fine degree black body (the letter up) should will suffice. However, the "literal" does not mean "literally grammy performer 2011 turn straight," but must be based on the semantic context, resulting in a smooth readable sentence.
What is called "ya"? Original "Seest thou ta ni Full-color dye rather ra れ" literally straight turn, is "infected your color." However, Chinese does not seem such a usage. Like a person, grammy performer 2011 we often unknowingly contaminated each other's preferences, such as favorite food to eat each other, read each other like a book, learn to enjoy each other ... like the weather, so I used the "become just like you drink black coffee without sugar. "literal way. Under the literal and the best model comparing the two, is not felt "willingly grammy performer 2011 infect your breath," the expression of the deep meaning of the original completely brought grammy performer 2011 to the highest state of "indecency"? While another grammy performer 2011 original "Other ばKei te ne ni home, "literally translated as" my stay at your side. " However, the "tone" on and not in place. In Chinese, there is a lot of use of "negative" way to express the strong request grammy performer 2011 of consciousness example, on the contrary good contact with the Japanese. For example, "Do not go", meaning a strong desire to leave each other; "Do not leave me", meaning that the other party will take their own intense. So, "Do not let me leave you," which is strongly want them to put yourself in his / her side, completely original tone revealed. This level in the future there is no way to do machine translation, now it seems perhaps not so important. But as long as technology continues to progress and development, it might be possible do.
In this regard, MIT professor Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee say that, not only did the evolution of technology stagnation, grammy performer 2011 but more in full swing ahead. In a book co-authored two of the "Race Against the Machine", the final analysis pointed out that "the United States and the resulting high unemployment median throwback 1990s, unemployment and income is not as technology Evolution and the reasons vary improve productivity improvement ", the fact is that" grammy performer 2011 digital technology accelerated evolution. " In other words, the evolution of digital technology, the human being ruthlessly deprived of employment opportunities.
There was once a man will invention chessboard chessboard to the king, the king in appreciation aside, asked what kind of man you want to reward. The man replied, "In the first of a checkerboard placed one meter, two meters grammy performer 2011 a second grid placed third box put four meters ... so each box is placed in front a square grammy performer 2011 Pygmy rice grains 2 times until the first 64 squares so far. number of such rice, that is, to my reward. " King listened, that this reward seems commonplace, men will grant that request. However, in practice the way to do so exponentially, the number of rice jumped to an incredible degree, and finally doing a total of 64 th -1 2 grain rice, piled up higher than Mount Everest. King was put out an angry, angry I make in this man pulled guard chop. Google's engineering director, is inventor Ray Kurzweil years in 2000 published book "The Age of Spiritual Machines," a book that, from the beginning to a half before the board, not how spectacular heap of rice. To 32 cells, that is, into the board half, the cumulative number of rice is just 4 billion, about the size of a grain of rice heap extent stadium; as the king's courtiers give reward, is still permissible range. However, starting from the first 32 grid, the king began to realize the seriousness of the situation. At this point, the king remains a consistent tolerance, men's lives are still stable. With the remaining half of the chessboard is gradually drawing to a close, the king and the men among the plight of at least one person is a step by step into a dilemma - King faces possible to lose all the wealth, man is in danger head on items not insured .
For example, an example of unmanned vehicles with machine translation "Race Against the Machine" in the book cited (of course, only be summarized here, the content of the book is authentic). 2004 U.S. Department grammy performer 2011 of Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) conducted by the unmanned machine race car traveling about 200 km desert road between California to Nevada, the "Champion" vehicles took more than eight hours actually only ran 12 kilometers. But in October 2010, Google released by the Toyota Prius the transformation is completely driverless cars completed 1600 km walking distance message. In addition, in January 2011 Lionbridge Technologies announced grammy performer 2011 GeoFluent, which is co-developed with IBM's machine translation software, the trial in the enterprise customer's business. Use one of the scenes GeoFluent is when asking questions about the product on the consumer online, and the answer is that customer service staff located in different countries while overseas, GeoFluent can almost instantly as the two sides are correct translation.
Return to Human vs. Machine (on) the examples. In my mind, the "letter of" representatives "to convey the correct semantics," which also constitute the basic elements of communication, grammy performer 2011 as part of my own body turned black and thin. "Ya" stands for "dress modification" grammy performer 2011 of sentences or statements polish to get on board the halls (btw, I think, grammy performer 2011 "Ya" grammy performer 2011 Black Belt section can be subdivided into ten segments to varying grammy performer 2011 levels), as the bold Miss Blue word Shen Chi masterpiece. Lionbridge Technologies to control the GeoFluent, the current accuracy of machine translation has been done at least understand the semantics and form of communication, "the letter, of" levels, can also be thought of as "Faithfulness," about 32 in a checkerboard grid position. The next amazing exponential growth rate, perhaps a "letter of" levels grammy performer 2011 of machine translation technology can devolve spread to the general users like you and me. And in the future to further reach machine translation "Ya" realm, does not seem to be fantasy.
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