Monday, March 10, 2014

And I believed rock and roll hall of fame cleveland you

Shunjalica Rank 3 Offline Gender: Posts: 526
And I believed rock and roll hall of fame cleveland you'd answer the question. I just need an answer, a sensible and everything will be ok. Can you do that, or should we expect someone else? You choose here if you have those images as a picture book, you will leave the meeting and will post a different image which is also seen NAVEL Reply wait!
Tripo 41 Rank 3 Offline Gender: Posts: 1190
Quote: Shunjalica for November 22, 2011, 14:25:08
The point is that the Bible is one big you have not answered ... waiting ... Playtime Bible of Jesus in the original times there stimovana, later in her report errors perceive and accept different contexts inadmissible. As the main cause of all this is massively transcription and translation at the stage of its multiplication, there is simply had to come up mistakes. Some also have written in the Bible to himself benefited rock and roll hall of fame cleveland ie to Christian believers saw and acted just the way conducive to what had made those changes unacceptable. Ewo what are referred to in the Quran: Quran 2 79 And woe to those who write the Book with their hands and then say, "Here, this is from God" - that would be it for the benefit of a slight pull. And woe to them for what their hands write and woe to them that in this way they earn. These pictures do not mean anything, it is the human hand painted and none of the people could not know how they looked at all of Adam and Eve (or in Islam Adam and Hava).
Just something to give concrete evidence of what is štimovano in the Bible. Let's say this, in the Bible is this and this is added, it is deleted, this has changed, etc. But it will not give anyone because no štimovana.
Just something to give concrete evidence of what is štimovano in the Bible. Let's say this, in the Bible is this and this is added, it is deleted, this has changed, etc. But it will not give anyone because no štimovana. Btw, not only as much as 2000 years but for the past 500 years to the time when the Bible was copying and rewritten errors in transcribing and translation have been great. Easy to know who her hair and who carries the water.
So give concrete! There were mistakes and they were removed and they were great. Fine on the back of today's newer Bible is fine CORRECTIONS. Then the addition of the correction in the Old Testament and the New Testament. and 25 errors there. Exactly rock and roll hall of fame cleveland where what ought to be or not to be. A large errors instead of the SW should I stand and so similar.
See the Vatican forbade the Bible in the vernacular. Those are some things štimovali, rock and roll hall of fame cleveland but he was always someone on God's side, and finely translated the Bible into the vernacular language, before the latter began štimovati. And so was the King James version, which is now 100% coincides with the Qumran writings as far as the Old Testament. I have a show on DVD just about and preserved the original version. Just one more time I will look in detail to show. And I will give this post that "we have the most reliable prophetic book" second Peter 1:19
So give concrete! There were mistakes and they were removed and they were great. Fine on the back of today's newer Bible is fine CORRECTIONS. Then the addition of the correction in the Old Testament and the New Testament. and 25 errors there. Exactly where what ought to be or not to be. A large errors instead of the SW should I stand and so similar. 1), the Bible speaks about the creation of the world. Well, the Bible says, that God created the heavens and the earth in six days, and at the mention of the morning and evening, which refers to the day of 24 hours. Today we scientists say that the universe rock and roll hall of fame cleveland could arise over a period of six days, each day has 24 hours. While the Qur'an also speaks of six long periods, periods, with which most scientists slazhe. 2nd) In the book of Genesis, 1:3-5 says that the light created on the first day, and in verses 14-19, the source of light, the stars and the sun, created the fourth day. How is it possible that the source of light occurs four days, and later of the light that appeared on the first day? It is nenacusno 3) Further, in the Book of Genesis 1:9-13, is that the earth was created on the third day. As you will have day and night without a country? Day depends on the rotation of the Earth. How will you prior to making the Earth a day and night? 4) Genesis ,1:9-13, says that the earth was created on the third day, and in verses 14-19 states that the sun and moon were created on the fourth. rock and roll hall of fame cleveland Today science tells us that the Earth was part of the Sun and that it is impossible to have existed before the sun. It is unscientific ... 5) The Bible says in Genesis, chapter one, verses 11-13, that the vegetation was created on the third day, and the sun was created on the fourth. How is it possible to plant the appearance before the sunlight, rock and roll hall of fame cleveland and how it will survive without it? 6) Genesis 1:16 that God created two light; greater sun light, to rule the day, and the lesser light the Moon, to rule the night. Today's science claims that the moon reflects light from the sun, that he has no light. So, it is unscientific. 7) "Or the world will survive or will ever disappear," It can not be both, it is unscientific

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