Monday, March 3, 2014

7 Ontario Power Dispatching Center (IESO)

7 Ontario Power Dispatching Center (IESO)
23 Germany and Europe State Energy Exchange (EEX) European Energy Exchange AG
States Power Company power dispatching rule index
16 U.S. AVISTA power but also because the company competitive relationship, the development of all types of services are to be competitive fees, such as energy, ancillary services (FM, spinning reserve, voltage regulation, power imbalances, black start, etc.), scheduling center scheduling, dispatching we have to pay.
How the electricity from the power plant to the user smoothly through the transmission and distribution systems, we must rely on perfect scheduling rules to regulate the responsibilities of the parties, the obligations, rights and relationships in order to accomplish this mission. live stream golden globes Therefore, the generalized scheduling rules include many rules, regulations, agreements, protocols, methods, regulations, terms, rules and regulations, and so on. Nouns are not the same in all countries; most of the U.S. power company is vertically integrated private power company, not like the British state-owned power company will, transmission, distribution live stream golden globes forced separation, and adopt an open-generation transmission network approach to achieve the liberalization of electricity industry by Federal Energy live stream golden globes Regulatory Commission (FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) to set the terms of wheeling rates (Tariff) live stream golden globes template, the main contents include the power dispatch center operations, the relationship between ISO and electricity transmission and distribution companies, transmission system information disclosure, transmission costs pricing grid management fees, meter metering, billing billing billing, auditing, dispute resolution, liability, force majeure, transfer, suspend provisions, regulatory reporting, ancillary service requirements, load forecasting, scheduling, market surveillance and information, overhaul maintenance outage , power generation live stream golden globes scheduling and bidding agreements in order to reach a fair, open and equitable power-generation non-discriminatory transmission, each dispatch centers, regional transmission organizations, power companies based on this template, the development of its individual Tariff. Each power dispatch center live stream golden globes has also developed a lot about transmission, spinning reserve capacity, electricity markets, system planning, settlement and billing, system operation and administration manuals, especially in the most detailed to PJM power dispatch center.
U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the United States and reliable operation of power systems, in June 18, 2007 authorized the North American Electric Reliability Company (NERC: North America Electric Reliability Corporation) reliability standards set for the relevant electricity industry to follow, including the power supply and the load balance, communication and communication, critical infrastructure protection, emergency operation and redundancy, designed to connect electrical equipment maintenance, electricity facility scheduling coordination, reliable operation and coordination of interconnected power systems, power system model data analysis, nuclear power plant interface live stream golden globes coordination, scheduling staff qualification training assessment, power system protection and control, transmission system operation, transmission system planning, voltage and reactive power control standards. Reliability Standard contains the preface, requirements, methods, follow between assessment, penalties, regions of different standards, relevant documents.
Most European countries will be separated from the original electricity generation sector companies, transmission companies run electricity grid scheduling dispatch center operations. UK National Transmission Company (National Grid) develop a grid regulations (Grid Code) contains the planning, running, balancing, data registration and other regulatory conditions and system connection Glossary, another system is connected with the use regulations (CUSC: Connection and Use of System Code) and the balance of the settlement legislation (BSC) to maintain the operation of the UK electricity industry. In addition, live stream golden globes the European Association of Transmission Control Center (ENTSO; European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) set operation manual live stream golden globes (Operation Handbook) contains frequency control and performance, scheduling live stream golden globes and billing, operational safety, the use of project coordination, emergency procedures communications architecture, data exchange, personnel training policy, to set the grid for each TSO regulations (Grid Code) to follow. Electricity trading, the European Power Exchange Association (EuroPex: Association of European Power Exchanges) Power Exchange exchange messages provide various views, set the relevant electricity market live stream golden globes rules.
Terms of electric power transmission networks open rates scheduling rules-Tariff-Operating Procedure-Grid Code-Market Rule-Regulation-Operating Hanbook-manual Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) (FERC) PRO FORMA OPEN ACCESS TRANSMISSION TARIFF template 1996-4-24 set 135 North American live stream golden globes Electric Reliability live stream golden globes Company (NERC: North American live stream golden globes Electric Reliability Corporation) North American power system reliability standard (full) 2014-1-2 Bitmap revised 1693 standard power supply live stream golden globes and load balancing (BAL) active power balance control performance standards (BAL-001-0_1a) CPS-1 CPS-2 2009-5-13 mandatory effective 7 disturbance control performance standards (BAL-002-0)-DCS 2010-8-5 take effect six Contingency spinning reserve (BAL -002-WECC-1_Final) 2008-10-29 take effect live stream golden globes six frequency response and partial frequency standard (BAL-003-0_1b) 2009-5-13 into force six times the standard error correction (BAL-004-0) 2005-4 -1 into force two times the standard error correction (BAL-004-1) 2008-3-26 into effect two automatic time error correction standard (BAL-004-WECC-1) 2007-6-19 live stream golden globes amended six automatic generation control standards (BAL-005-0_1b) 2009-5-13 take effect five ample supply planning analysis, evaluation and documentation standards (BAL-502-RFC-02) 2009-8-15 into effect eight spinning reserve capacity Standard (BAL-STD -002-0)-WECC 2007-3-12 into force nine emergency preparedness and operational standards live stream golden globes (EOP) standard emergency operation plan (EOP-001-2) 2008-8-5 energy and capacity into force eight emergency standard (EOP -002-3) 2010-8-5 load limit plan into effect 11 standard (EOP-003-1) 2006-11-1 take effect three Incident Reporting Standards live stream golden globes (EOP-004-1) 2006-11-1 live stream golden globes become effective 13 Standard system restoration plan (EOP-005-1) 2006-5-2 take effect five system restoration plan (using whole black start power) standard (EOP-005-2) 2009-8-5 take effect 14 reliable degree of coordination - the system restoration standards (EOP-006-1) 2006-11-1 take effect live stream golden globes four established to maintain regional standard black start capability plan (EOP-007-0) 2005-2-2 take effect two control centers function loss Program Standards (EOP-008-0) 2005-2-2 take effect two black start unit test results recording standard (EOP-009-0) 2005-2-2 take effect two equipment design, connection, maintenance live stream golden globes standards (FAC ) device connection system with the required standards (FAC-001-0) 2005-2-2 take effect three methods to set the standard equipment rated (FAC-008-1) 2006-2-7 take effect four operating limits set method (System Planning time) Standard (FAC-010-2.1) 2009-11-5 into force nine operating limits set method (system operating time) Standard (FAC-011_2) 2009-4-29 into force nine standard transmission capacity calculation methods ( FAC-012-1) 2006-8-7 take effect three system models, data, analytical standards (MOD) available capacity transmission system standard (MOD-001-1)-ATC 2008-8-26 into force 11 Capacity Benefit live stream golden globes Margin (MOD-004-1)-CBM 2008-11-3 take effect 13 CBM using procedural standards (MOD-006-0_1) 2009-5-13 into effect two transmission reliability margin calculation standards (MOD-008-1) -TRM 2008-8-26 take effect five transmission system model and simulate steady state data standards (MOD-010-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two regions steady state data requirements and reporting procedures Standards (MOD-011-0) 2005-4-1 take effect three transmission system model and simulation of dynamic data standards (MOD-012-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two steady-state system model development standards (MOD-014-0) 2005-4-1 into force two dynamic system model development standards (MOD-015-0_1) 2008-10-29 take effect two generators effective gross output and net output capacity verification standards (MOD-024-1) 2007-1-1 take effect three generators Invalid live stream golden globes electricity gross and net output capacity verification standards (MOD-025-1) 2006-2-7 to 2012-1-1 take effect three system protection and control standards (PRC) system to protect the harmonized standards (/ PRC-001-1) 2007-1-1 take effect four fixed area monitoring and reporting incidents Standard (PRC-002-1) 2006-8-2 take effect four of generation, transmission protection live stream golden globes system malfunction analysis of regional program standard (PRC-003-1) live stream golden globes 2006 - 5-1 into force two protection systems, special protection system malfunction standard (PRC-004-WECC-1_Fina)-WECC live stream golden globes 2008-12-29 take effect six inputs, power protection system maintenance and testing standards are (PRC-005-1) 2006-5-1 take effect two regions of low frequency power rationing program live stream golden globes development and specification standard (PRC-006-0) f 2005-4-1 take effect three low-frequency power rationing program to ensure the continuity of the regional live stream golden globes standard (PRC-007-0) After the entry into force of two low-frequency 2005-4-1 brownouts UFLS performance analysis and documentation standards (PRC-009-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two low-voltage power rationing plan and design techniques to assess the effectiveness of the standard (/ PRC- 010-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two low-voltage power rationing system maintenance and testing standard (PRC-011-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two Special Protection System Review Process Standard (PRC-012-0) f 2005-4-1 take effect two Special Protection System Database Standard (PRC-013-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two Special Protection System Evaluation Criteria (PRC-014-0) live stream golden globes 2005-4-1 take effect two special and file system data protection standard (PRC-015-0) f 2005-4-1 live stream golden globes take effect two special protection system malfunction standard (PRC-016-0_1) live stream golden globes 2005-4-1 take effect two special protection system maintenance and testing standards ( PRC-017-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two accident notification and data monitoring equipment installed standard (PRC-018-1) 2008-8-2 take effect four low-voltage power rationing program live stream golden globes database standard (PRC- 020-1) 2006-5-1 take effect two low-voltage power rationing program data standards (PRC-021-1) 2006-8-1 into effect two low voltage brownouts Program Performance Standards (PRC-022-1) 2006-5-1 take effect two standard load capacity of transmission relay protection (PRC-023-1) 2008-2-12 into effect eight protective relay applications and standard live stream golden globes home inspection certificate standard live stream golden globes (PRC-STD-001-1) - WECC 2007-3-12 live stream golden globes into force 10 protection relay with a special protection system malfunction Standard (PRC-STD-003-1)-WECC 2007-3-12 into force 13 Transmission Maintenance Standard (PRC-STD-005-1) - WECC 2007-3-12 take effect 12 transmission operation using standard (TOP) Transmission Reliability liability and regulatory agency standards (TOP-001-1) 2007-1-1 take effect six normal system use planning criteria ((TOP-002- 2a) 2009-12-2 take effect seven of planned maintenance programs harmonized standard (TOP-003-1) 2008-10-17 transmission operating standards become effective six (TOP-004-2) 2006-11-1 3 Effective Page surveillance case standard (TOP-006-2) f 2008-10-17 take effect six notification system operating over the limit (SOL) and interconnection reliability operating limits (IROL) standard (TOP-007-0) 2005-4 - a system operating limits take effect live stream golden globes three (SOL) standard (TOP-007-WECC-1_Final)-WECC 2008-10-29 reactions take effect three operating limits than standard (TOP-008-1)-WECC 2007-1-1 take effect three operating live stream golden globes transfer capability standard (TOP-STD-007-0)-WECC 2007-3-12 into force 10 Transmission Planning Standards (TPL) under normal conditions (N-0; Category A) system operating standards (TPL- 001-0_1) 2009-5-13 take effect five unusual circumstances live stream golden globes (N-1; Category B) system operating standards (TPL-002-0b) 2009-11-5 take effect next 10 anomalies (N-2; category C) system operating standards (TPL-003-0a) 2010-4-23 into effect eight extremely unusual circumstances (or more N-2; Category D) system operating standards (TPL-004-0) 2005-4-1 effective live stream golden globes May Reliability evaluation of regional and cross-page reporting standards (TPL-005-0) 2005-4-1 take effect two regions to provide information live stream golden globes needed to assess live stream golden globes the reliability standards (TPL-0

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