Sunday, July 6, 2014

than you do not think you understood ... regret. for that matter, with so every drunkard father

The song, the text of which probably applies to many people ... -
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than you do not think you understood ... regret. for that matter, with so every drunkard father "taught" the life of his son. I like our fathers fuck a woman cashier wykdsztalceniu etc. And it has nothing wsponego with real life ... these are such things ...
Exactly, according to me, this song has such fathers ridicule and laugh at the part of the council. Even at the end pioseki says that the council gave him his father and it did not help. He probably also does not count for anything because they simply watch the grammys live transmit the wisdom of his father and hopes that his son pass it on. So the ring .. not a drunkard, who instead of helping with homework, gives advice to the vodka. I know such and it is quite a lot. For this last scene shows that the son did, however, different. He was not drunk millionaire fantasy, but a good father. So not blaze me that Mady message! This is the message gó drunk .. of the guard. It has to be a politician, celebrity, cool chick and mega wypaśne car. Do not blaze me. For transfer must be something, and it's watch the grammys live not vodka during watch the grammys live speech. watch the grammys live
and this is not that the father translates your unfulfilled ambitions synalka because I go $% ow life, and at the same time criticizing him completely (eg, his girlfriend)? And if the boy will not live like my father fancied himself, and does not reach the super-mega-position it will be a loser in his eyes ii 'how great disappointment make beloved dad'? Oo
I am a person who usually tries to see many shades and not just black and white world, I believe that each of you has a point. Because watch the grammys live why the song (or any other artistic creation) can not have multiple watch the grammys live meanings? In my opinion this song both shows that, in life, however, we take care of things like good job etc. because that would not say much here, these things make life easier and make it more enjoyable. Reaching deeper, of course, but it is also a kind of pastiche of these values, showing that it really matters in life is something more, which shows especially the last scene between father and son. Well, and this happens context of a situation, or a father who utters these words are drunk, what I thought at least suggests that on the one hand, it has just splashing own unfulfilled ambitions for his son, which is unhealthy. And of course, the father-drunk can be understood as a force to reflect that as someone can convincingly convey values such as drinking himself to forget about reality and did not reach any of it says ... what kid does not stand a chance watch the grammys live believe in the words of hypocrisy on the part of his daddy. Oh, many meanings, so I agree with all of you above. For me, it just proves how good this song - it's that it has many meanings, and each is good and important, and the text makes deeper - a multidimensional reflection.
What I meant is that there are few drinkers fathers who "advise" their children. Most simply do not pay much attention and further plunge into the deep world of alcoholic imagination.
You see, while I have a little more respect to other people and look forward watch the grammys live to their opinion. Just as I hope with your opinion, even though insinuating that 'better understand' the song than the others watch the grammys live and that it is your interpretation is correct "than you do not think you understood ... regret." - Kisiol_Ent Edit: you want my opinion? Here you go: The song is multi-layered and can be interpreted differently, and it proves its class. And you act like a OKE, which allows for graduation watch the grammys live from the Polish language there is only one correct interpretation of (key), in which not even hit songwriters.
In my view, the point is that the father-bum, gives advice to his son, and do not even know if they are good because watch the grammys live they never checked and does not know shit, and your advice is based on conjecture (go to college - you'll watch the grammys live be rich, most of the parents is in this belief, and we do not have education, and how they are and are not rich, you have not learned anything and are stuck on ...)

21 x so
I did not like, not the Maleńczuk, but he wrote a really good piece. In places trivial, but I see that a lot of people can identify with him. ps. I optimistic version:

@ Wong fact, mea culpa.

Okay, never mind, who wrote the text, and who sounds. Piece is really good, and comparing it with the optimistic "rappers" is some mockery. But this is not worth a listen! Polish rap is always made to the same hoof. Hopeless lyrics, styling for nyggasów of the ghetto and roam around in circles cheapest samples. I do not like to shave rap, but how is it that such an Eminem can listen with pleasure, and nothing watch the grammys live of Polish just can not digest? It's j

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