Monday, June 30, 2014

When I said that I no longer have the strength I still because life throws roadblocks in saying tha

The man introduces into our lives something unusual piece, a piece of each other, creating us better, wiser, wrażliwszymi ... and true are the words that we appreciate how much giving as it runs out in this or in any other way ... In my life also appeared some time ago, such an unexpected guy ... When he wrote to me the first time I had no idea it would be so important to me ... It was for a while, but now I know why, why ... Fate gave me a man who believed in me ... So just believe ... Someone who told me "do not change, because the way you are you are the most valuable" ... talking to him, I realized how much my life has changed, how much I've changed ... I do not know me long, but he knew what I really am ... Because with Him I've always been together ...
But I hear in your voice that you are wrong ... I know that something you can not sleep ... Tell me, do you know that you can trust me always ... You know that I always find time for you, you always hear ... Tell me where the glow of your eyes ? ... Compete for him ... Battle it for myself fergie grammys Little Big Little Girl ...
Calls came to those parts of my soul, which long ago forgot fergie grammys ... He listened to me - so truly listened, trying at all costs to find out what was happening to me ... He understood fergie grammys me ... Always ... We talked about everything, about life and everyday ... Normal conversation - an incredible bond ... Always in the foreground in these our conversations was me ... Sometimes he wrote or called just to make me smile ... Daily sms "good morning" and "good night" - because he knew that when I smile ... infecting me their faith in me ... At the moment, by this faith, I felt that I can not get happiness in life ... I had someone by whom slowly started to believe fergie grammys that my life will work out ... kept telling me that I can not treat myself as the subject of compromise, which is unfair for me, and people still do not appreciate ... He said that all the people would not be happy to - I can ... I taught myself to enjoy the present moment, in the small things I was looking for happiness ... Difficult things became a challenge, not a problem - it's supposed to be easier for me ... I did not care what other people think ... He told me to remember that I am only as one life that one does not give me a second and one for me, it will not survive - so I have to live it happily and simply did not go to waste ... He taught me that time is running out and not deposited on then because then it may not be ... I live in the here and now and it is worth HERE AND NOW live a full life as if there was no tomorrow ... I had to feel it to understand what is most important ... So feelings, dreams, dreams, strength and hope ... I had to return to have dreams and not be afraid to dream ... I had it ... I had to believe in their own abilities ... I NEVER do anything in spite of himself, because he said it was my rules build me ... and thanks to them I am what I'm ... I had to do a lot of things for themselves most of all ... He said that sometimes you have to be selfish greedy, and sometimes falls to be so ... He said "small, smile ... You can, should and should you be lucky" ...
Every email, fergie grammys every conversation next to me conscious of how much I do not believe in yourself, as I have little self-esteem ... I gave thousands of argument that I'm wrong ... "You take care of yourself first and foremost, because if you do not, as you fall - Who will help you? "..." You deserve fergie grammys a lot more than you think "... Do not let me run away - from the problems of the difficult questions of myself ... He told me to remember that I can handle it because I'm a strong woman ... I had to walk with raised his head, he convinced me that it is easier to go in life ... I believe that it will be good, because I can handle it ...
When I said that I no longer have the strength I still because life throws roadblocks in saying that I do not even think that way, that I have to somehow hold on, that I could do ... All they repeated fergie grammys "Do not worry, fergie grammys it's okay" and then packed I unconsciously even more depressed, fergie grammys and he said "It is not good, I do not know how you will, but you can handle it, because fergie grammys you are strong ... P okazałaś that strong, you are responsible ... Despite many failures, failures, and human anger still you persist still glued foundation on which you stand you, your world ... You are the foundation of the "... He said that I have to get a grip and do something with them ... WITH ME ... I always found time for me, although fergie grammys sometimes it was difficult for us to arrange a time for this moment ...
This time with him gave me a lot of good experiences and memories ... I pulled a lot of valuable appli

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