Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I wonder, she said my friend, vma best new artist how many famous Slovenians

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I wonder, she said my friend, vma best new artist how many famous Slovenians're in their published photos on CDs, posters or in newspapers help the so-called Photoshop or photographic program that you can use the techniques everyone turns into a complete beauty and beauty. vma best new artist Just in slender, with smooth skin, shining eyes, full lips and hair to just stare. Then you see this man live on what appearance, fashion magazine or somewhere in public and you can not believe that it is the same creature. If it does not so shiny hair and full lips, and without cellulite and not in the band is not nearly as slim as the picture, to mention only some of the differences between what you see and those obtained, which can admire in the newspaper. And so what I agree with the Austrian Minister for Women Gabriele Heinisch-Hošek, who has decided that, after the example of Israel proposed the adoption of a law that will make it difficult advertising such revised vma best new artist photographic male or female bodies. And not because it would have been nice, but because a negative impact on all those young people who are seen as a role model and idol. And then, of course, not eating enough, not eating healthy. But because of this they are no more alike corrected images of their idols, just have a health problem. I would not mind if it even when we adopted such a law, said my friend, although I fear that this will not happen. Mainly because our politicians dealing vma best new artist primarily with themselves and the opposite political option, on the problems of common vma best new artist people but no one has time to think, let alone how to act in this regard. On one such Photoshop processed photos I saw a few years ago Mirna Reynolds, the singer, who fans of Slovenian folk music fascinated the teenage group, Foxy teens, when he began solo careers, it was not the best. Therefore, I was very happy, she said a friend when I heard that the girl finally found and that he expects a baby. Similar radio presenter and stand-up comedian Denis Avdic, vma best new artist who together with his Ano this spring also became a parent for the first time. Only the Quiet became a mother in Germany, where he lives her chosen one, Alex, while Avdićevi his descendant greeted in the maternity home. Personally, I think that in Postojna, said my friend, given that this is one of the most widely acclaimed Slovenian maternity hospitals and that Denis in Postojna so to speak, a local resident. vma best new artist I'm interested in, she added, if after the experience with babies or part of its program will be the subject carefully avoided. And even if he decides to paternity leave, given that with Vid Valic with its shock at the male currently vma best new artist at its peak during the Slovenian stand up comedians and the need to forge iron is hot. For the holidays, but not paternity but decided also currently the most recognizable Chinese in Slovenia Sun Lin, a young man who was in the second series broadcast license My Slovenia tried to sing some Slovenian song. The boy, who came to Slovenia to study, then found work in one of Ljubljana's Chinese restaurants, it is decided that it will be for some time to return home to China, and also their parents are waiting for the new year. Celebrating this only takes place between 10th and 13th February. However, since the new season award Slovenia My starting on 26 January, the award shall be recorded before it is played, and because it seems compilers show, necessarily, that it is trying vma best new artist to Slovenian sing the Chinese, they have begun to look for Sun Linovo replacement. Otherwise it will broadcast aired until April, so that we can share our little Land to learn anything, said my friend, vma best new artist while also see and hear how much general knowledge have known Slovenes. Until now, I have to say that I was one a little disappointed with their knowledge of our small little country and famous people in it. Most football fans certainly did not disappoint Srecko Katanec, but when he finally decided to resume management of the Slovenian national football team. Apparently this is mainly influenced by his family, which means more than anything else in the world. And interestingly, she said my friend. While most of the children of our football players decided to continue his father's path, they Katanec Dawn Oliver and Ian Oscar decided quite differently. Older Dawn Oliver, a student at the Biotechnical Faculty diligently practicing basketball and is a member of the basketball club from Postojna, while the younger Ian Oscar, this year's graduate international gymnasium dedicated to motocross. vma best new artist And apparently vma best new artist it is in this sport all the more successful. So of course Srečko no one can complain that "enforces" his or favors football players from clubs of their sons. I am really interested, vma best new artist she said my friend whether he will be able to repeat a football fairy tale that we will be reunited. Pol

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Home News Reviews to rate the company Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Brezmejci Hi

SSC: Towards the Act amending the Marriage and family relations - newspaper
Home News Reviews to rate the company Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Brezmejci Highlights of the day we noticed the lens of nature and landscape Travelling oscar hollywood rewrite art inspired truth and compassion
We strongly oppose the proposed novel ZZZDR and join the coalition "FOR KIDS GO"! Novelo is necessary to reject, but to maintain and strengthen the values of marriage and family life. Family community (mother, father) is the only one that can provide a new life and is also the preferred environment for the child's physical, mental and spiritual development.
- Redefinition of marriage, fundamentally changing perception of the family as a living community of women and men in the life of two people regardless of their gender. It omits mention of male and female, the existence of two sexes. This opens the door to new forms of discrimination, restriction oscar hollywood of freedom of expression, religious freedom ... In the field of education prevents parents bringing up children oscar hollywood in accordance with their values (violation of their constitutional rights), it opens the door to change curricula. It does not provide for conscientious objection.
- All the legal consequences that apply to the community of women and men transferred to the gay community, including adoption and artificial insemination. According to the biological and anthropological arguments oscar hollywood homosexual union does not reflect the biological and anthropological elements of marriage and family, to substantiate their legal recognition (not to ensure reproduction and survival of the human species).
How do such relationships affect the child's development? Lack of sexual oscar hollywood bipolarity impede normal child development, and the integration of children in homosexual partnerships adoption means violence against defenseless children, exposure to unpredictable and irreparable consequences. A child is not a fundamental right of the individual or couple, so the same or different sex.
Under the "protection of children" they want the novel to justify the redefinition of family and new forms of adoption of children. This is not based on any serious scientific studies and statistics. In contrast, numerous studies show that only arranged marriage between oscar hollywood man and woman the most solid form of cohabitation in which children are exposed to the lowest level of risk, emotional and psychological turmoil, sexually transmitted diseases ...
It is also from the demographic point of view, the most open to the transmission of life and the most suitable environment for the full and healthy development of the child (and his own adoptive). The purpose of the amendment is therefore no protection and children's rights, but only the satisfaction of personal desires of adults. The child is no longer a goal, but becoming more and more a means, the right of adults, because it takes away the right to have a mother and father. Preserving the institution of marriage as the union of husband and wife is also consistent with human rights standards in Slovenia (53 of the Constitution) and internationally. The European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms does not appear right to marry same-sex persons (number of judgments), as well as us to do so obliges the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN. Moreover; nowhere is written that the definition of family as a community of men, women and children form of discrimination towards homosexual persons.
This novel also bears no relation to the decision of the Constitutional Court, which ruled only on succession or. property relationships and does not relate to the law by changing. According to the new draft amendment ZZZDR to become Slovenia is the only country in the world to rights arising from the marriage also gave an unregistered homosexual communities that would be even without the benefit of marriage or registration of the right to adopt children, oscar hollywood medically assisted treatment oscar hollywood - later surrogacy.
Slovenian voters were already 25 March 2012 referendum clearly rejected the controversial Family Code. It is therefore all the more intolerable and unacceptable that the amendment oscar hollywood is much more radical, and three years later to quickly accept the shortened procedure. Instead of solving the severe economic crisis and social problems, commitment to the preservation and enhancement of the natural marriage and family, oscar hollywood and integration into school educational programs, education for responsible parenthood, it is trying to destroy and to overthrow the foundations of natural resources, which are essential for the survival of the nation and open up new ideological topics that divide us even more. Civil law can not be contrary to the natural law, a democratic government oscar hollywood should not the argument of force to interfere oscar hollywood with the basic operation of the company revalued values (what family) and eliminate the fundamental differences: the natural difference between men and women!
Related articles: Invitation: In memoriam Viktor Blažič Slovenian World Congress and the Association of Journalists and Commentators invite you to the commemoration in memory of Viktor Blažič, which will take place at the SSC on Cankarjevi road ... Coalition "For children it is! ': Studio oscar hollywood at 17h and debate in the National Assembly on Monday 2 March at 17.00 will be in

Monday, June 1, 2015

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Erasmus B. Pintar that the Tejo Jeras in the coming days is expected their first child, for portal Žurnal24 happy to reveal that the boy on the way. Moreover, Erasmus admitted that he, like most men he did not for the first child wanted a son, but he was anyway. Thus the pair in less than a month, Teja has a deadline is 16 August, the world welcomed the small Left Oscar Pintar! Do you like the name, which was chosen?
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Friday, May 29, 2015

Related articles: M. Mazzini, PlanetSiol: Slovenian implementation of laws rule of law is all in th

SLO TV, Honestly: Frankly, on the referendum - newspaper
Home News Reviews to rate the company Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Brezmejci Highlights of the day we noticed the lens of nature and landscape Travelling rewrite art inspired truth and compassion
The National Assembly rejected the referendum on amendments to the Law on Marriage and Family Relations. The initiators of the referendum, which in a few days collected 40 thousand certified signatures to call a referendum, already predicting a constitutional complaint. Thus, as shown, the Constitutional Court again ruled on whether golden globe winners a referendum on the rights of same-sex couples golden globe winners admissible. The (un) constitutionality and (in) admissibility of the referendum will be discussed in this year's show openly.
Related articles: M. Mazzini, PlanetSiol: Slovenian implementation of laws rule of law is all in the language, the less it is in action. Laws in Slovenia and we have experts will claim they have a modern, consistent ... J. Bartolj blog: Croatian referendum on the family several weeks I have been following the controversy in Croatia at the referendum, the entry in the constitution of marriage between a man and a woman. It was not "bloody battle", it was ... JL Černič, Iusinfo: Between Madrid and Barcelona in different parts of Europe smoldering. More and more nations longing and expresses the desire to own an independent and sovereign country. In Scotland, for both this year .... 18 M. Zevnik for Family: 80518 times for children are many reasons - many signatures before the referendum golden globe winners on the revalued family law Coalition for the islands it! It has collected 80,518 signatures on an initiative to call a referendum ...
Roman Vodeb was again excellent. Direct. Radical, but argued, eloquently, confidently. Good move the Coalition For children it is and I hope that they will be represented golden globe winners in the confrontation before golden globe winners the (probable) referendum.
Even Janez Pogorelec was this time (unlike some gigs in famous affairs and judicial processes lately: Patria, archives) a positive surprise. Precise and convincing the legal arguments as to why there is little golden globe winners justification to referendum, the Constitutional Court should golden globe winners be prevented. Less convincing in arguing that he supports gay marriage (give it to understand that believes that Slovenians are not yet "mature and advanced enough" to do this; a little strange for a representative golden globe winners of "right, conservative" N.Si). golden globe winners
Anyway, today in the face if they express sport, supporters of the referendum are not lost. Although they were on my other side Ribičič golden globe winners and Šalamonova fairly golden globe winners strong debaters. I think that public opinion lead about 3: 2, more than most polls showing, and will be taking an active campaign enough to lose no public confrontations.
Roman Vodeb will be a powerful golden globe winners figure in the confrontation. Also, because from the outside Catholic circles (where support is at least questionable) to the left. If nothing else, makes it difficult even for professional-psychoanalytic persuasion golden globe winners campaign of the political left for homosexual marriage is much more than you would any declared rightist golden globe winners or Catholic. (The profession is important in ART is the unanimous opposition certainly contributed golden globe winners to the great supremacy in that referendum)
I think it would also Tomaž Merše relatively weak public speaker, can be more than good diskuter in the confrontation. In Primcu perhaps a little way around. golden globe winners Excellent people's tribune, but he finally lost (bad biorhythm?) TV confrontation.
Many will have already changed by the decision of the court. Homo lobby is exaggerating, together with SMCjem golden globe winners and all. All their arguments are proven to be false. And there must be arrested. Other arguments have as human rights. They have invented it smoothly. Without shame. And this prohibition referendum decision without reasons. I hope you will be able to write a well-constitutional action. It will not be easy against the order without explanation. golden globe winners
Well, I finally found out what they did not know (= Hotels) tell parliamentarians and representatives of the ministry: the 70 laws to be discriminatory (= required modification in terms of changes adopted amendment to the Law on Marriage). Then I heard more evasive that we will see later, this not precisely determined ...
P. Lah, Evening: The Pope
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I just do not understand how you can in the 21st century still exists ema band so absurd a law such

Last November, I registered a complementary activity in the area of body care. With the start of a new calendar year, we began Chamber of Craft send invitations to the various ema band trade fairs, artisan newsletter and of course money orders for subscriptions. For quite some time I was thinking when I meet any application form, anywhere in the portal for registration activities (e-VEM) checked the option that I want to become a member of any organization, such as the OZS.
Today I call on the respective organization and ask you to send me an exit statement, because I apparently mistakenly joined in their organization. Madam told me that I was to enrollment in the commercial register automatically become their member, as this is statutory. Ladies, I explained that I do not want, because I do not have anything from the Chamber and I do not intend to avail their service. With each exchanged argument as to increase both the temperature of my processor as blood pressure. The highlight is our dialogue reached with the following phrases:
I just do not understand how you can in the 21st century still exists ema band so absurd a law such as this, which provides for the compulsory membership of this organization vulture. Somehow, to understand, and even then it conditional that the membership would be compulsory for those who have a full sp, but not for those who have registered complementary activity. Another thing that I do not understand is the amount of monthly subscription fees ranging between 10 and 50 . But it really should not lose words.
member ema band ies (a) anyone who is involved in how community organization: be a member of a trade union; elect to acquire, accept ema band new members; entered among members; member of the Committee, Party / support, regular, founding member of the Society / honorary member; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts * sport. Whoever is involved in sports and society has a certain age // each of the persons constituting the closed group: immediate family members; members ema band of the workforce; passengers and crew members
The member is therefore a person involved in the organization that this organization is obliged, if so specified in the articles of association, pay a membership fee. The question to me the question of whether someone can a member of the organization without the consent of both the member and the organization. Equally absurd is the definition of affiliation RCC, which member you become baptized. And it increases people's control. It's good that we too do not pošljajo orders for the payment of the membership fee ...
Compulsory membership of the chamber of commerce is not an isolated case. Note that membership in the medical, pharmacy Chamber, Chamber of Nurses and Midwives Association and laboratory medicine, which should be resolved by the new Law on Health Care. Reply Delete

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The fact that few managers and supervisors respect the professional principles of financial managem

Instead of solidarity is honored best new artist vma greed. Instead of conscientious work worship enrichment and success-based circumvention of rules and ignoring the principles of good faith. Until the end of this malaria appearance until the financial primitivism, as ignoring the rules of professional financial management disclosed, the time will not be the end of the deepening economic and social crisis.
Do Žerdin in Delo 03/01/2014 posted portrait "Generalić" Trimo Trebnje, former member of the Supervisory Board of Krka and former State Board of the Bank of Slovenia by the Supervisory Board on all Trima admirable successes resolved, once for an undisclosed sum Trimo redeem its shares and share it paid an unknown amount of severance pay, all of it is likely to provide a decent life and carefree age until the end of her living days. Picture casts a kind of nostalgia best new artist vma for the successful businessmen who are no longer, and regrets that so successful director picks the cream, while the creditors Trima and rescue workers left the company and its financial restructuring in order to ensure financial viability, as required by the Act Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act. It seems that the largest creditors of the bank, which means that sooner or later will need to shift the burden of maintaining a successful business on the shoulders of the taxpayers, who will enjoy the happiness that you can cover with its poverty prosperity, which will be at the end of a successful career enjoyed Tatjana Fink.
Oscar Wilde is famous novel The Picture of Dorian Grey portrayed the beauty and uspešneža, which over the years is losing the charm of youth, which is his portrait shows such as converting the beauty in odurnost. The cause of the unusual relationship between the image and a spiritual Dorianovo. In fact, his appearance in contrast to its interior, but the image also reflects his soul reflects the substance and not the form in which that content is false displays.
Image of Tatjana Fink, vice versa, best new artist vma because Žerdin best new artist vma Do not Oscar Wilde, painting best new artist vma only the appearance and without prejudice to the content. In other words, this description of the image is not true, but trying to maintain the appearance of class, trying to create an impression of how it is all well and good, and how the conditions of the current crisis Supervisory Boards resolved a successful director who would rather dismiss earned the confidence for further successful work.
In Slovenia, the Slovenian best new artist vma nation renounced socialism and social property in exchange for the idolatry of private best new artist vma property. Instead of solidarity best new artist vma is honored greed. Instead of conscientious work worship enrichment and success-based circumvention of rules and ignoring the principles of good faith. Regulations by the Companies Act and the Act on Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act expressly impose a duty of management and supervisory bodies should follow good professional rules of financial management, ie by the rules as laid down in the Code of commercial financial principles, which all managers in companies and banks prescribed best new artist vma by Slovenian Institute of Auditors. Compliance with these principles means that a company can not be introduced in the state of insolvency or illiquidity due to the omission, incompetence and negligence or even deliberate harm to society, because all management, supervisory authorities and the owners are obliged best new artist vma to take timely action and manage the financial affairs of the company so that the company is able to settle its obligations to creditors, employees, the state and while still ensuring the development and to generate best new artist vma profits and reserves for possible bad times. This means that the company can get into insolvency and illiquidity only for reasons that are carefully, professionally and fairly best new artist vma good management expert could not have prevented.
The fact that few managers and supervisors respect the professional principles of financial management because many of them do not even know, is shown degeneration of the Slovenian economy by the Slovenian government and the Bank merely observe. This disintegration of the state and banks perhaps even encouraged, but certainly by enabling the system as giving adequate measures supervision and enforcement action best new artist vma against those who do not adhere to the principles best new artist vma of good financial management. Even more, the system also guardians of these principles in the government, the Bank of Slovenia, the Court of Accounts, law enforcement ignoring its statutory best new artist vma powers enabling successful "Generalić" best new artist vma and "generals" to operate so that their omission rewarded with the bankruptcy of enterprises in which the taxpayers lose, creditors and employees, but they get successful businesspeople (mostly at the same time also co-owners of companies) which have successfully exhausted and destroyed their own business and become rich at the expense of the impoverishment of workers, best new artist vma creditors, taxpayers and the state.
What is relieved of the most successful director and member of the Board of the Bank of Slovenia and the Supervisory Board of Krka different, more beautiful that deserves imaging in Part while this same medium happily publish news about the criminal proceedings against Bine