Friday, May 29, 2015

Related articles: M. Mazzini, PlanetSiol: Slovenian implementation of laws rule of law is all in th

SLO TV, Honestly: Frankly, on the referendum - newspaper
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The National Assembly rejected the referendum on amendments to the Law on Marriage and Family Relations. The initiators of the referendum, which in a few days collected 40 thousand certified signatures to call a referendum, already predicting a constitutional complaint. Thus, as shown, the Constitutional Court again ruled on whether golden globe winners a referendum on the rights of same-sex couples golden globe winners admissible. The (un) constitutionality and (in) admissibility of the referendum will be discussed in this year's show openly.
Related articles: M. Mazzini, PlanetSiol: Slovenian implementation of laws rule of law is all in the language, the less it is in action. Laws in Slovenia and we have experts will claim they have a modern, consistent ... J. Bartolj blog: Croatian referendum on the family several weeks I have been following the controversy in Croatia at the referendum, the entry in the constitution of marriage between a man and a woman. It was not "bloody battle", it was ... JL Černič, Iusinfo: Between Madrid and Barcelona in different parts of Europe smoldering. More and more nations longing and expresses the desire to own an independent and sovereign country. In Scotland, for both this year .... 18 M. Zevnik for Family: 80518 times for children are many reasons - many signatures before the referendum golden globe winners on the revalued family law Coalition for the islands it! It has collected 80,518 signatures on an initiative to call a referendum ...
Roman Vodeb was again excellent. Direct. Radical, but argued, eloquently, confidently. Good move the Coalition For children it is and I hope that they will be represented golden globe winners in the confrontation before golden globe winners the (probable) referendum.
Even Janez Pogorelec was this time (unlike some gigs in famous affairs and judicial processes lately: Patria, archives) a positive surprise. Precise and convincing the legal arguments as to why there is little golden globe winners justification to referendum, the Constitutional Court should golden globe winners be prevented. Less convincing in arguing that he supports gay marriage (give it to understand that believes that Slovenians are not yet "mature and advanced enough" to do this; a little strange for a representative golden globe winners of "right, conservative" N.Si). golden globe winners
Anyway, today in the face if they express sport, supporters of the referendum are not lost. Although they were on my other side Ribičič golden globe winners and Šalamonova fairly golden globe winners strong debaters. I think that public opinion lead about 3: 2, more than most polls showing, and will be taking an active campaign enough to lose no public confrontations.
Roman Vodeb will be a powerful golden globe winners figure in the confrontation. Also, because from the outside Catholic circles (where support is at least questionable) to the left. If nothing else, makes it difficult even for professional-psychoanalytic persuasion golden globe winners campaign of the political left for homosexual marriage is much more than you would any declared rightist golden globe winners or Catholic. (The profession is important in ART is the unanimous opposition certainly contributed golden globe winners to the great supremacy in that referendum)
I think it would also Tomaž Merše relatively weak public speaker, can be more than good diskuter in the confrontation. In Primcu perhaps a little way around. golden globe winners Excellent people's tribune, but he finally lost (bad biorhythm?) TV confrontation.
Many will have already changed by the decision of the court. Homo lobby is exaggerating, together with SMCjem golden globe winners and all. All their arguments are proven to be false. And there must be arrested. Other arguments have as human rights. They have invented it smoothly. Without shame. And this prohibition referendum decision without reasons. I hope you will be able to write a well-constitutional action. It will not be easy against the order without explanation. golden globe winners
Well, I finally found out what they did not know (= Hotels) tell parliamentarians and representatives of the ministry: the 70 laws to be discriminatory (= required modification in terms of changes adopted amendment to the Law on Marriage). Then I heard more evasive that we will see later, this not precisely determined ...
P. Lah, Evening: The Pope
AUTHORS golden globe winners (archive) Select Author ... Velasio De Paolis Žiga Andoljšek Arko Matej Andraz golden globe winners Avbelj Igor Aleksander Bahovec Byte + Bartimaeus Jože Bartolj Patricia Belak Government Berglez July BERTONCELJ golden globe winners Romana Bider Vlado Bizjak Gasper Blažič Mary Burnik Jernej golden globe winners Buzeti Tadej Buzeti Matthew golden globe winners Cerar Ines Cergol Branko Cestnik golden globe winners Janez Cigler King Katja Cingerle France Cukjati Franc Cvelbar Monika Cvirn Demetrius Ambrose Demšar Danijel Devetak Jože Dežman Miha Dolenc Polona Dominik golden globe winners Jani Jani Drnovšek Marijan Drobež Družovec Jože priest Marjan Eiletz Jurij Pavel Emeršič Sebastian Erlah Aleš Ernecl Thomas Erzar Erzar Thomas and Katarina Kompan Erzar Erzar Janez Eržen Franci Feltrin IF D. Frelih Simon Furlan Luka G. Fox Matija Gabrovšek Mateja Gašperin Miro Germ Stane Granda Valery Grašič Jožko Gregorc Igor Gregori Peter Gregorčič Boris Greif Gr

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