Tuesday, June 2, 2015

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SSC: Towards the Act amending the Marriage and family relations - newspaper
Home News Reviews to rate the company Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Brezmejci Highlights of the day we noticed the lens of nature and landscape Travelling oscar hollywood rewrite art inspired truth and compassion
We strongly oppose the proposed novel ZZZDR and join the coalition "FOR KIDS GO"! Novelo is necessary to reject, but to maintain and strengthen the values of marriage and family life. Family community (mother, father) is the only one that can provide a new life and is also the preferred environment for the child's physical, mental and spiritual development.
- Redefinition of marriage, fundamentally changing perception of the family as a living community of women and men in the life of two people regardless of their gender. It omits mention of male and female, the existence of two sexes. This opens the door to new forms of discrimination, restriction oscar hollywood of freedom of expression, religious freedom ... In the field of education prevents parents bringing up children oscar hollywood in accordance with their values (violation of their constitutional rights), it opens the door to change curricula. It does not provide for conscientious objection.
- All the legal consequences that apply to the community of women and men transferred to the gay community, including adoption and artificial insemination. According to the biological and anthropological arguments oscar hollywood homosexual union does not reflect the biological and anthropological elements of marriage and family, to substantiate their legal recognition (not to ensure reproduction and survival of the human species).
How do such relationships affect the child's development? Lack of sexual oscar hollywood bipolarity impede normal child development, and the integration of children in homosexual partnerships adoption means violence against defenseless children, exposure to unpredictable and irreparable consequences. A child is not a fundamental right of the individual or couple, so the same or different sex.
Under the "protection of children" they want the novel to justify the redefinition of family and new forms of adoption of children. This is not based on any serious scientific studies and statistics. In contrast, numerous studies show that only arranged marriage between oscar hollywood man and woman the most solid form of cohabitation in which children are exposed to the lowest level of risk, emotional and psychological turmoil, sexually transmitted diseases ...
It is also from the demographic point of view, the most open to the transmission of life and the most suitable environment for the full and healthy development of the child (and his own adoptive). The purpose of the amendment is therefore no protection and children's rights, but only the satisfaction of personal desires of adults. The child is no longer a goal, but becoming more and more a means, the right of adults, because it takes away the right to have a mother and father. Preserving the institution of marriage as the union of husband and wife is also consistent with human rights standards in Slovenia (53 of the Constitution) and internationally. The European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms does not appear right to marry same-sex persons (number of judgments), as well as us to do so obliges the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN. Moreover; nowhere is written that the definition of family as a community of men, women and children form of discrimination towards homosexual persons.
This novel also bears no relation to the decision of the Constitutional Court, which ruled only on succession or. property relationships and does not relate to the law by changing. According to the new draft amendment ZZZDR to become Slovenia is the only country in the world to rights arising from the marriage also gave an unregistered homosexual communities that would be even without the benefit of marriage or registration of the right to adopt children, oscar hollywood medically assisted treatment oscar hollywood - later surrogacy.
Slovenian voters were already 25 March 2012 referendum clearly rejected the controversial Family Code. It is therefore all the more intolerable and unacceptable that the amendment oscar hollywood is much more radical, and three years later to quickly accept the shortened procedure. Instead of solving the severe economic crisis and social problems, commitment to the preservation and enhancement of the natural marriage and family, oscar hollywood and integration into school educational programs, education for responsible parenthood, it is trying to destroy and to overthrow the foundations of natural resources, which are essential for the survival of the nation and open up new ideological topics that divide us even more. Civil law can not be contrary to the natural law, a democratic government oscar hollywood should not the argument of force to interfere oscar hollywood with the basic operation of the company revalued values (what family) and eliminate the fundamental differences: the natural difference between men and women!
Related articles: Invitation: In memoriam Viktor Blažič Slovenian World Congress and the Association of Journalists and Commentators invite you to the commemoration in memory of Viktor Blažič, which will take place at the SSC on Cankarjevi road ... Coalition "For children it is! ': Studio oscar hollywood at 17h and debate in the National Assembly on Monday 2 March at 17.00 will be in

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