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Friday, May 29, 2015

Related articles: M. Mazzini, PlanetSiol: Slovenian implementation of laws rule of law is all in th

SLO TV, Honestly: Frankly, on the referendum - newspaper
Home News Reviews to rate the company Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Brezmejci Highlights of the day we noticed the lens of nature and landscape Travelling rewrite art inspired truth and compassion
The National Assembly rejected the referendum on amendments to the Law on Marriage and Family Relations. The initiators of the referendum, which in a few days collected 40 thousand certified signatures to call a referendum, already predicting a constitutional complaint. Thus, as shown, the Constitutional Court again ruled on whether golden globe winners a referendum on the rights of same-sex couples golden globe winners admissible. The (un) constitutionality and (in) admissibility of the referendum will be discussed in this year's show openly.
Related articles: M. Mazzini, PlanetSiol: Slovenian implementation of laws rule of law is all in the language, the less it is in action. Laws in Slovenia and we have experts will claim they have a modern, consistent ... J. Bartolj blog: Croatian referendum on the family several weeks I have been following the controversy in Croatia at the referendum, the entry in the constitution of marriage between a man and a woman. It was not "bloody battle", it was ... JL Černič, Iusinfo: Between Madrid and Barcelona in different parts of Europe smoldering. More and more nations longing and expresses the desire to own an independent and sovereign country. In Scotland, for both this year .... 18 M. Zevnik for Family: 80518 times for children are many reasons - many signatures before the referendum golden globe winners on the revalued family law Coalition for the islands it! It has collected 80,518 signatures on an initiative to call a referendum ...
Roman Vodeb was again excellent. Direct. Radical, but argued, eloquently, confidently. Good move the Coalition For children it is and I hope that they will be represented golden globe winners in the confrontation before golden globe winners the (probable) referendum.
Even Janez Pogorelec was this time (unlike some gigs in famous affairs and judicial processes lately: Patria, archives) a positive surprise. Precise and convincing the legal arguments as to why there is little golden globe winners justification to referendum, the Constitutional Court should golden globe winners be prevented. Less convincing in arguing that he supports gay marriage (give it to understand that believes that Slovenians are not yet "mature and advanced enough" to do this; a little strange for a representative golden globe winners of "right, conservative" N.Si). golden globe winners
Anyway, today in the face if they express sport, supporters of the referendum are not lost. Although they were on my other side Ribičič golden globe winners and Šalamonova fairly golden globe winners strong debaters. I think that public opinion lead about 3: 2, more than most polls showing, and will be taking an active campaign enough to lose no public confrontations.
Roman Vodeb will be a powerful golden globe winners figure in the confrontation. Also, because from the outside Catholic circles (where support is at least questionable) to the left. If nothing else, makes it difficult even for professional-psychoanalytic persuasion golden globe winners campaign of the political left for homosexual marriage is much more than you would any declared rightist golden globe winners or Catholic. (The profession is important in ART is the unanimous opposition certainly contributed golden globe winners to the great supremacy in that referendum)
I think it would also Tomaž Merše relatively weak public speaker, can be more than good diskuter in the confrontation. In Primcu perhaps a little way around. golden globe winners Excellent people's tribune, but he finally lost (bad biorhythm?) TV confrontation.
Many will have already changed by the decision of the court. Homo lobby is exaggerating, together with SMCjem golden globe winners and all. All their arguments are proven to be false. And there must be arrested. Other arguments have as human rights. They have invented it smoothly. Without shame. And this prohibition referendum decision without reasons. I hope you will be able to write a well-constitutional action. It will not be easy against the order without explanation. golden globe winners
Well, I finally found out what they did not know (= Hotels) tell parliamentarians and representatives of the ministry: the 70 laws to be discriminatory (= required modification in terms of changes adopted amendment to the Law on Marriage). Then I heard more evasive that we will see later, this not precisely determined ...
P. Lah, Evening: The Pope
AUTHORS golden globe winners (archive) Select Author ... Velasio De Paolis Žiga Andoljšek Arko Matej Andraz golden globe winners Avbelj Igor Aleksander Bahovec Byte + Bartimaeus Jože Bartolj Patricia Belak Government Berglez July BERTONCELJ golden globe winners Romana Bider Vlado Bizjak Gasper Blažič Mary Burnik Jernej golden globe winners Buzeti Tadej Buzeti Matthew golden globe winners Cerar Ines Cergol Branko Cestnik golden globe winners Janez Cigler King Katja Cingerle France Cukjati Franc Cvelbar Monika Cvirn Demetrius Ambrose Demšar Danijel Devetak Jože Dežman Miha Dolenc Polona Dominik golden globe winners Jani Jani Drnovšek Marijan Drobež Družovec Jože priest Marjan Eiletz Jurij Pavel Emeršič Sebastian Erlah Aleš Ernecl Thomas Erzar Erzar Thomas and Katarina Kompan Erzar Erzar Janez Eržen Franci Feltrin IF D. Frelih Simon Furlan Luka G. Fox Matija Gabrovšek Mateja Gašperin Miro Germ Stane Granda Valery Grašič Jožko Gregorc Igor Gregori Peter Gregorčič Boris Greif Gr

I just do not understand how you can in the 21st century still exists ema band so absurd a law such

Last November, I registered a complementary activity in the area of body care. With the start of a new calendar year, we began Chamber of Craft send invitations to the various ema band trade fairs, artisan newsletter and of course money orders for subscriptions. For quite some time I was thinking when I meet any application form, anywhere in the portal for registration activities (e-VEM) checked the option that I want to become a member of any organization, such as the OZS.
Today I call on the respective organization and ask you to send me an exit statement, because I apparently mistakenly joined in their organization. Madam told me that I was to enrollment in the commercial register automatically become their member, as this is statutory. Ladies, I explained that I do not want, because I do not have anything from the Chamber and I do not intend to avail their service. With each exchanged argument as to increase both the temperature of my processor as blood pressure. The highlight is our dialogue reached with the following phrases:
I just do not understand how you can in the 21st century still exists ema band so absurd a law such as this, which provides for the compulsory membership of this organization vulture. Somehow, to understand, and even then it conditional that the membership would be compulsory for those who have a full sp, but not for those who have registered complementary activity. Another thing that I do not understand is the amount of monthly subscription fees ranging between 10 and 50 . But it really should not lose words.
member ema band ies (a) anyone who is involved in how community organization: be a member of a trade union; elect to acquire, accept ema band new members; entered among members; member of the Committee, Party / support, regular, founding member of the Society / honorary member; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts * sport. Whoever is involved in sports and society has a certain age // each of the persons constituting the closed group: immediate family members; members ema band of the workforce; passengers and crew members
The member is therefore a person involved in the organization that this organization is obliged, if so specified in the articles of association, pay a membership fee. The question to me the question of whether someone can a member of the organization without the consent of both the member and the organization. Equally absurd is the definition of affiliation RCC, which member you become baptized. And it increases people's control. It's good that we too do not pošljajo orders for the payment of the membership fee ...
Compulsory membership of the chamber of commerce is not an isolated case. Note that membership in the medical, pharmacy Chamber, Chamber of Nurses and Midwives Association and laboratory medicine, which should be resolved by the new Law on Health Care. Reply Delete

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The fact that few managers and supervisors respect the professional principles of financial managem

Instead of solidarity is honored best new artist vma greed. Instead of conscientious work worship enrichment and success-based circumvention of rules and ignoring the principles of good faith. Until the end of this malaria appearance until the financial primitivism, as ignoring the rules of professional financial management disclosed, the time will not be the end of the deepening economic and social crisis.
Do Žerdin in Delo 03/01/2014 posted portrait "Generalić" Trimo Trebnje, former member of the Supervisory Board of Krka and former State Board of the Bank of Slovenia by the Supervisory Board on all Trima admirable successes resolved, once for an undisclosed sum Trimo redeem its shares and share it paid an unknown amount of severance pay, all of it is likely to provide a decent life and carefree age until the end of her living days. Picture casts a kind of nostalgia best new artist vma for the successful businessmen who are no longer, and regrets that so successful director picks the cream, while the creditors Trima and rescue workers left the company and its financial restructuring in order to ensure financial viability, as required by the Act Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act. It seems that the largest creditors of the bank, which means that sooner or later will need to shift the burden of maintaining a successful business on the shoulders of the taxpayers, who will enjoy the happiness that you can cover with its poverty prosperity, which will be at the end of a successful career enjoyed Tatjana Fink.
Oscar Wilde is famous novel The Picture of Dorian Grey portrayed the beauty and uspešneža, which over the years is losing the charm of youth, which is his portrait shows such as converting the beauty in odurnost. The cause of the unusual relationship between the image and a spiritual Dorianovo. In fact, his appearance in contrast to its interior, but the image also reflects his soul reflects the substance and not the form in which that content is false displays.
Image of Tatjana Fink, vice versa, best new artist vma because Žerdin best new artist vma Do not Oscar Wilde, painting best new artist vma only the appearance and without prejudice to the content. In other words, this description of the image is not true, but trying to maintain the appearance of class, trying to create an impression of how it is all well and good, and how the conditions of the current crisis Supervisory Boards resolved a successful director who would rather dismiss earned the confidence for further successful work.
In Slovenia, the Slovenian best new artist vma nation renounced socialism and social property in exchange for the idolatry of private best new artist vma property. Instead of solidarity best new artist vma is honored greed. Instead of conscientious work worship enrichment and success-based circumvention of rules and ignoring the principles of good faith. Regulations by the Companies Act and the Act on Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act expressly impose a duty of management and supervisory bodies should follow good professional rules of financial management, ie by the rules as laid down in the Code of commercial financial principles, which all managers in companies and banks prescribed best new artist vma by Slovenian Institute of Auditors. Compliance with these principles means that a company can not be introduced in the state of insolvency or illiquidity due to the omission, incompetence and negligence or even deliberate harm to society, because all management, supervisory authorities and the owners are obliged best new artist vma to take timely action and manage the financial affairs of the company so that the company is able to settle its obligations to creditors, employees, the state and while still ensuring the development and to generate best new artist vma profits and reserves for possible bad times. This means that the company can get into insolvency and illiquidity only for reasons that are carefully, professionally and fairly best new artist vma good management expert could not have prevented.
The fact that few managers and supervisors respect the professional principles of financial management because many of them do not even know, is shown degeneration of the Slovenian economy by the Slovenian government and the Bank merely observe. This disintegration of the state and banks perhaps even encouraged, but certainly by enabling the system as giving adequate measures supervision and enforcement action best new artist vma against those who do not adhere to the principles best new artist vma of good financial management. Even more, the system also guardians of these principles in the government, the Bank of Slovenia, the Court of Accounts, law enforcement ignoring its statutory best new artist vma powers enabling successful "Generalić" best new artist vma and "generals" to operate so that their omission rewarded with the bankruptcy of enterprises in which the taxpayers lose, creditors and employees, but they get successful businesspeople (mostly at the same time also co-owners of companies) which have successfully exhausted and destroyed their own business and become rich at the expense of the impoverishment of workers, best new artist vma creditors, taxpayers and the state.
What is relieved of the most successful director and member of the Board of the Bank of Slovenia and the Supervisory Board of Krka different, more beautiful that deserves imaging in Part while this same medium happily publish news about the criminal proceedings against Bine

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

However, our writing will not be resolved as whining, to mention only one of the last events, also

J. Dežman letter M. Cerar: The End of the blockade under the law of war graves - newspaper
Home News Reviews to rate the company Spirituality Lifestyle Culture Ecology Education Brezmejci Highlights of the day we noticed the lens of nature and landscape Travelling emmy 2011 winners rewrite art inspired truth and compassion
You are here: Home Highlight - RIGHT" J. Dežman letter M. Cerar: The End of the blockade under the law of war graves J. Dežman letter M. Cerar: The End of the blockade under the law of war graves
Members emmy 2011 winners of the Government Commission on the issue covered graves were acquainted with the opinion of the Government to the draft law on covert war graves and burial of victims by the National Assembly of the Republic emmy 2011 winners of Slovenia, a group of deputies from prvopodpisano Ljudmila Novak.
We were surprised position of the Government, according to which the existing law on war graves already covered all the issues related to the registration, research, editing procedures and care for hidden cemeteries. Already in our previous responses to events around the drafting of the law on covert war graves and burial of victims, the Commission noted the need for a law that would regulate all those areas engaging in hidden graves, which are not covered by existing law or governed by both inadequate, to work in accordance with the standards of the developed world is not possible. The enumeration work undertaken to date, we do not find the argument, which could be justified aversion to the proposed Act covert war graves and burial of the victims. All this in view, the Government has been carried out with extreme and mainly unnecessary exertion and precisely because of vagueness in the existing Act on war graves.
Most of the work has been done in the years 2000-2008, after entering the tunnel Sv. Barbara in Huda Jama 3 rd May 2009 began a systemic blockade of all tasks, which is possible because the war graves Act of 2003 did not foresee that by 2009 topographically recorded more than 600 concealed killing and burial. Due to this blockade more than a hundred newly identified concealed killing and burial is neither processed nor topographic enrolled in official records.
Also we have already established that due to the many changes in the updating of existing laws on war graves is not possible, but it would be necessary to adopt a new law. To do so, probably at this moment we are not able to.
Due to the incompleteness of the applicable law, each and every occasion open public debate about the powers of necessity, scope and responsibilities of the institutions and people who are dealing with these issues.
However, our writing will not be resolved as whining, to mention only one of the last events, also for the things that the government emmy 2011 winners in its Opinion highlights as the work runs smoothly. The invitation to tender for the transfer of mortal remains of Huda Jama in Krstić of stainless steel had to be canceled and repeated because the Commission found (on the preparation of the invitation to tender was not even informed) that the Ministry of Labour, Family emmy 2011 winners and Social Affairs prepared emmy 2011 winners the tender conditions completely inconsistent with the professional recommendations of the Institute of Forensic emmy 2011 winners Medicine, and without an agreement with Pivovarna Laško.
Dear Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, emmy 2011 winners Dr. Miro Cerar, members of the Commission are you again ask that before any final decision rejecting the proposal of the Law on covert war graves and burial of victims weigh all previous warnings about the shortcomings of the existing Law on war graves. The opinion of the members of the Commission is that only with a clear technical and procedural arrangements work with concealed graves avoid repetitive media exposure of human remains and consequently the controversy about guilt, responsibility and sin at the level of regulation of hidden graves. We believe that we may also be such a "procedural" law easier to healing the wounds that have for decades borne by our company, which notes in its opinion the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
Related emmy 2011 winners articles: We have received: On the Move the winner emmy 2011 winners of illegitimate elections and the President of the Republic spite of the only political prisoner in the EU, unfair and unfree emmy 2011 winners elections, the SDS will do everything for the good of Slovenia and its people. Since the ruling coalition and the President ... Snapshot: SMC - the clown party? - APOLOGIZE It is not true, however. Following yesterday's discovery of virtual images of Slovenians who are Party of Miro Cerar "to enable better and more stimulating environment for their work ... We have received: Candidates should resign from the list of candidates to resign from the list I am still convinced that there should be a commission set candidature term national interest and to follow emmy 2011 winners the principle of proportionality. The work of Commissioner Potočnik ... B. Štefanič, Family: Uncertain Future of the Commission for the cemetery How to break the deadlock paralyzing "an excessive Huda jama"? emmy 2011 winners If you have murderers who lie and archives have been destroyed, victims have of wartime and post-war disguised ...
G. Dežman, with you in many ways n

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

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ARS Frequencies Who are we Competitions Podcast Special Projects Downloads concerts Video AWARD A - Z Ars human Arsov art studio Arsov forum Arsov nots Banchetto musicale time, space and music essay on the radio Evroradijski concert music of the 20th century music of our time musical portrait city of bones cassandra clare of musical beat of loud new world The votes of councils Let's go to the movies spoof of the Week Selected Prose Just published ars Jazz Jazz Jazz session Jazz Avenue siesta Language discussions Euroradio Concert Concert events abroad short radio plays Cultural panorama shooting Lyrical Art Echoes Literary matinee Literary Nocturne literary portrait city of bones cassandra clare of Literary Reading city of bones cassandra clare Young Virtuosos Musica noster amor Musica Sacra Our artists before a microphone new generation of music queen visits remote sound worlds Oder concert Friday evening city of bones cassandra clare View Images knowledge in science Radio plays Radio plays for children Views and reflections Recital city of bones cassandra clare S of the book market city of bones cassandra clare on the seventh day of the week Composer Track eternity Saturday's concert Saturday night opera Memories, city of bones cassandra clare letters and travelogues World Culture For a carafe of Women in the music world music Back to contents
Wilde's drama after its processed city of bones cassandra clare biblical story of Judea tetrarhu Herod and his law with his brother's widow Herodias, the Christian prophet John the Baptist, that their marriage is condemned as cheating and krvoskrunski and, of course, primarily about Herodias's daughter Salome, who is the stepfather compel Krstnikovo head. Starting fable is known from Matthew and Mark's Gospel. Oscar Wilde's short story of the Bible expanded into drama, not to replace the main protagonists. It also did not change the course of events. The game is written in a high poetic tone, but - especially in the brilliant duets Herod and Salome city of bones cassandra clare - through poetic texts tissue often glitter psychological sketch characters.
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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Kaya after the show, pumila si Dennis para magpa-autograph kay Lea. Ang hindi ini-expect ni Dennis,

I was at PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) site this afternoon, searched nammy for Lea Salonga, and found this interesting article. Actually, the comments are far more interesting than the article nammy itself.
The comments are funny. Actually, yung iba nakakainis, yung iba nakakatuwa. Kasi kung makapag-judge sila ng tao kala mo kilalang-kilala nila si Lea from head to toe. Hindi lang nakapagpa-autograph, nammy kala mo minurder na ni Lea ang pagkatao niya! Letch! Pero pinagtatawanan ko na lang. Nakaka-awa kasi. Sana nung tinapon niya yung mga cds, tinawag niya lahat ng fans ni Lea, panigurado, magkukumahog pa (tayong) lahat sa pagsalo ng mga 'yon!
Anyway, it made me realized na kung hindi mo talaga kilala si Lea, maiinis ka talaga sa kanya. Mga Pilipino nga naman, hindi na makuntento. Naalala ko tuloy nung last day ng BABY the Musical; nammy nung time na halos lahat ng tao hindi nakapagpa-sign kay Lea ng autograph dahil bigla sila umalis. That time I wondered why she left that early. Pero after I read her post sa AFLS before, it made me realized (and understand why she did that) that she had a purpose of leaving early- to catch the last mass sa Edsa Shrine. 
Naikuwento ni Dennis sa PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) na noong nasa New York sila, hindi siya pumayag na hindi makapanood ng Broadway show. Tamang-tama namang palabas pa ang Les Miserables, kung saan kasama sa cast ang Filipino international star na si Lea Salonga as Fantine.
Manghang-mangha ang young actor sa ganda ng Les Miserables at sa husay ni Lea. Bilang kababayan, very proud ito sa narinig na positive comments kay Lea at hindi siya pumayag na hindi makuha ang autograph nammy nito.
Kaya after the show, pumila si Dennis para magpa-autograph kay Lea. Ang hindi ini-expect ni Dennis, makikilala siya ng mga Pinoy na kasabay nammy niyang nammy nanood that time. Habang nakapila sila, may nagpapa-autograph sa kanya at nagpapakuha ng litrato.
Laking gulat at tuwa ni Dennis nang paglabas ni Lea para harapin ang nakapila niyang fans ay nakilala siya nito. "Oh, my God! It's Dennis!" ang pagbati ni Lea sa kanya, at game na game nang pumirma ng autograph.
Ngayon, isa na sa most treasured possessions ni Dennis ang autograph ni Lea. Kahit maiksi ang nakasulat na "Hi Dennis!" at " Love, Lea Salonga" ipinagmamalaki ito ng young actor sa kanyang mga kaibigan.
jonjonsfcutie: Lea is a great singer. Pero ugali nya ay pangit. nammy I've watched her concert too. Nung nagpa autograph ako, dineadma lang ako as in. I was so disappointed. Proud pa naman ako sa kanya. Sa inis ko tinapon ko mga cds nya. Kung siguro artista ako iba treatment for sure.
NicaNY: jonjonsfcutie: Iba naman ung experience namin sa kanya. nammy We recently watched Les Miserables and super duper bait ni Lea samin, and to all Filipinos and non-Filipinos who waited for her backstage. It was even raining that night and she still waited for all of us hanggang lahat makapagpicture and makapagpa-autograph. And ilang beses pa kami nagpapic sa kanya, and she wasnt annoyed naman.
Bibingka: for real jonjonfscutie??? Ganon si Ms. Lea. Kala ko pa naman OK siya. I was watching her old clips sa youtube. Bakit yong accent niya noon British, later on naging nammy American. Recently naman sa interview niya sa PDA, Pinoy accent yong english niya. Ala Merryl Streep pala siya, magaling mag emote ng iba ibang accent.
wilyam: ako napansin ko lang na iba si lea sa pinas at sa ibang bansa. pag sa pinas siya, para bang you have this feeling na mababa ang tingin niya sa mga ordinary pinoys na nanood sa kanya pero beso2 siya sa mga miyembro ng alta sociedad. tapos pag states naman siya, super bait siya sa mga pinoys doon siguor dahil alam niyang hindi siya pwedeng magmaganda sa mga pinoys sa ibang bansa dahil either they are richer than lea orthey have a better job than lea. na-experience ko na pareho kung paano magpa-autograph ke lea sa ccp at sa broadway, and i'd say na she thinks she is above all pag siya ay nasa pinas.
lea is definitely a good broadway performer but she must remember nammy na hanggang broadway lang naman siya and hindi naman ganun kahighregards ang mga musicals sa mga puti. musicals are just for entertainment and not for mental gymnastics.
derti_ayskrim: but i guess kung better actress ka sa stage.. i could call you a great actress indeed.. kasi no cuts,no take two's etc. kung pano mo nacapture ung attention ng mga audience mo in a musical stage play is really nammy a talent.. kasi kitang kita mo kung gano sila kagaling without redoing the scene..
as for #12 hindi pa ako nakakapunta ng states.. but i believe being in a musical broadway is something to be proud of naman.. kasi most of the actors/actresses there has talent both in singing and acting.. :)
PwongPagwong: Big fan ako ni Lea ever since pa but sometimes i'm beginning to think na totoo ang mga negative write ups sa kanya and also i'm fair when it comes to fan-artists treatment and relationship. To her defense, baka naman mins

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Ang city of glass by cassandra clare Lincoln, na may pitong Golden Globes nomination, ay nag-uwi ng

‘Argo,’ big winner sa Globes | Balita - Tagalog Newspaper Tabloid
HOME Balita Probinsya Dagdag Balita Daigdig Balitang Cute Kalusugan Showbiz atbp. Readers Corner PRANGKAHAN Blind Item Bibliophile VERY WELL NOEL Tourism Sports Boxing Pacquiao Basketball PBA NCAA NBA UAAP Tiyempista Tennis Billiards Volleyball Chess Soccer city of glass by cassandra clare Golf Baseball Badminton Obertaym Athletics Olympics Martial Arts Swimming Helmet Bowling Opinyon Editoryal Pagtanaw at Pananaw Maganda ang Buhay Punto for Punto Sentido Komun Mabuting Balita city of glass by cassandra clare Kasangga Sandali Lang Klasrum Bulong at Sigaw Caritas Pahina Siyete Pananaw ni Manny V Senor Senador Pananaw Kuwaderno Pananaw at Pagtanaw Newskopo Gintong Butil Tinig Ni Pahina Sais Pagkain sa Araw-Araw Diwang Kayumanggi Libangan Bangungot Hulascope MAGKASUKAT 'WANAKOSEY Komiks Laman Lupa Palaisipan Sudoku Loco August Blog Technology
BEVERLY HILLS, California Bumida sa Golden Globes ang Argo, na nangulelat sa mga nominado ng Academy Awards. Halos hinakot naman ng Lincoln ang Oscar nomination, pero iisang award lang ang iniuwi nito mula sa 70th Golden Globe Awards noong Linggo ng gabi (Lunes ng hapon sa Pilipinas) sa Los Angeles, city of glass by cassandra clare California. Nanalong best drama picture ang Argo at best director para kay Ben Affleck, isang pagkilalang batid niyang hindi niya matatanggap city of glass by cassandra clare mula sa Oscars, dahil hindi naman siya nominated.
Ang city of glass by cassandra clare Lincoln, na may pitong Golden Globes nomination, ay nag-uwi ng iisang award; best actor para kay Daniel Day-Lewis. Labindalawang nominasyon naman ang natanggap ng Lincoln mula sa Oscars, at may posibilidad na manalo ng kani-kanilang ikatlong Academy Award sina Daniel, Steven Spielberg at Sally Field.
Ang mga nanalo sa 70th Golden Globe Awards sa film category: BEST DRAMA Argo; Best Comedy or Musical – Les Miserables BEST ACTOR, DRAMA – Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln; BEST ACTRESS, DRAMA – Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty BEST ACTOR, COMEDY/MUSICAL – Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables; BEST ACTRESS, COMEDY/MUSICAL – Jennifer Lawrence, city of glass by cassandra clare Silver city of glass by cassandra clare Linings Playbook BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR – Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained; BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS – Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables BEST DIRECTOR – Ben Affleck, Argo BEST FOREIGN FILM – Amour (Austria) BEST ANIMATED FILM – Brave BEST SCREENPLAY – Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained BEST ORIGINAL SCORE – Mychael Danna, Life of Pi BEST ORIGINAL SONG – Skyfall, Skyfall (Adele/Paul Epworth) CECIL B. DE MILLE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Jodie Foster
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This could have been an ordinary honored interview with the one and only Anne who speaks highly of our own Lea Salonga, but unfortunately there’s one thing that seemed uncomfortable on this interview and it was the scenario where Lo made their conversation awkward and horrible on the last part that ended Anne to say to him, “ Why don’t you invite them ? I think they rather much hear it from you “
Ricky : And what about inviting your fans from the Philippines to watch the movie showing in January…? grammy 2011 Anne : Why don’t you invite them? I think they rather much hear it from you (Ricky again for the 3rd time awkwardly smiled)
ectingson “A multimillion, multi-awarded, classic, grammy 2011 soon to be remembered by generations movie – and this newspaper sending an unprepared, Lea Salonga name dropper just to ask Anne how she got her weight back. This is so Ricky “LOW”.
iamJheuzD “dapat grammy 2011 nag research muna siya pati sa ibang site hindi l ang yung sa vogue interview bago magtanong, unprofessional halatang may maitanong lang, yung weight grammy 2011 loss pa inuna nya e sa lahat ng interview ni Anne lagi nyang sinasabi na ayaw nya yung pag-usapan. Very common na mga tanong nya basahin nyo sa starmometer “Q&A with Oscar Contender Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables ”.
VJ Mendoza “I have so much respect for tito ricky lo, he is an institution in philippine media, however, i guess this interview from the beginning never really worked out. I could only surmise, Anne Hathaway was tired from all the global media interviews that day, or ricky lo wasnt prepared. grammy 2011 I mean Im not a professional writer or journalist but it happens you know, so i cannot pass judgement for whatever reason.i just wish philstat prepared him diction and grammar wise, it is an interview after all.”
Hathaway plays the role of Fantine, the mother of Cosette played by Amanda Seyfried . Also in the movie, directed by Tom Hooper, are Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman . Watch Ricky Lo’s Interview With Anne Hathaway
-photos and videos credited to Related articles Netizens react to failed Ricky Lo interview with Anne Hathaway ( Anne Hathaway bows to Lea Salonga as Fantine ( Anne Hathaway: ‘Les Miserables’ New York Premiere! grammy 2011 ( Poll: Anne Hathaway’s Les Miserables Premier Dress ( Breaking News: Confirmed! Cameron Mackintosh to Restage MISS SAIGON in 2014 ( Anne Hathaway & Amanda Seyfried: ‘Les Miserables’ in Tokyo! grammy 2011 (
Previous Post Rooftop Prince Is Now The No. 1 Most-Watched Afternoon TV Series grammy 2011 in Philippines! Next Post The Awkward Interview of Ricky Lo with Les Miserables’ Anne Hathaway [Trancsript Plus Video]
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Friday, May 22, 2015

And indeed it is the awaited clashes of Hollywood actors and actress at the 85th Academy Awards. It

And indeed it is the awaited clashes of Hollywood actors and actress at the 85th Academy Awards. It's Oscar time again, bitches! And of course being the "Voice of the Masses," we must also draw the Madma prediction. Grabe was the push I-lan 's title "Voice of the Masses" to myself.
First time I go involved grammy nominations 2011 in Oscars season. Previously only because I dinedeadma films here because nothing that is being joined horror film. Did you also know that the horror genre before. When nothing scared me or character died within 15 minutes, crossed grammy nominations 2011 me the film! Or, 'Do not just harsh. :) But since the promise I magve venture out of the genre, I've also given the chance to ALL, ALL take note of the major entries to the Oscars. I really deserve a shout ouch for this! Wow. ;)
I failed all of the films included in the Oscars. grammy nominations 2011 Wow! Explosives and different dishes they offer are switched. If you also plan to venture out of the film genre like me, I strongly suggest that you start with Oscar entries. Soobrang you relish! Swear!
Note, stated the opinion that each post is only Madma own opinion and not the whole management. MANAGEMENT ?! _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Les Misérables (Hugh Jackman, Russell grammy nominations 2011 Crowe, grammy nominations 2011 Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried)
I'm not failed Director Tom Hooper for Les Misérables Asking version. Overall, given by the Asking of justice is timeless and classic film it and say I paid worth P220. Nakakaloka too much emotion I felt while watching it at the cinema! I'm thrilled, nervous, hurt, cry, angry, greatly annoyed, crazy haaaay this is crazy !!! Somewhat embarrassing to adjacent cinema because I have so much more involved. May loud shouting grammy nominations 2011 at me. Shet. Maybe they going inisipin touched me. SHOCKING! grammy nominations 2011 :) My goodness, reacts to. They are not handsome. They simply padding the population so keri lang. Chura.
I still say nadale film even though I know that's grammy nominations 2011 my story too coarse, Affected still the heart and pains! grammy nominations 2011 What about those I cried when he died Fantine and crushed my heart Eponine's unrequited love for Marius. Gosh. 'Eh expected to die of Fantine and Eponine would reject any Marius, is not it ?! Haha! Pure 'I'm emote Eponine's scene as you sing Asking the famous song' On My Own 'ha. Rain rain effect yet! Just like in the movies of Sarah and John Lloyd. Very Filipinos peg the scene is talking about.
Well, very nice material also because of Les Misérables so you can never go wrong with the story. With template also immediately follow. May perhaps immediately proceed direction. You're not lost. Magkakatalo just really in treatment. And as a whole or asshole, fine too Hooper Director's attack. Nabo-bother me singing some parts of characters especially Russell Crowe. My God, very nasal Kuya! On the nose he draw notes! Like Ms. Zsa Zsa Padilla trained kidding him 'eh. Breaks down momentum grammy nominations 2011 every time I sing the Ruselle. grammy nominations 2011 Kyla's voice as I hear. Ack. Would translate to just Ruselle and showed butt. More able to appreciate I have him!
Not very outstanding "musical" part of the film. I dun think they missed. The singing was just right. Not superb. Right song only. Just get over. Just sing. Hopefully they did not just musical since they had not mapapanindigan. Good thing super nice songs and I know by heart because otherwise they, and do they lalayasan magvi while singing me alone. I might even give justice those songs out. WOW. Sample naman! :)
Ms. commendable performance Anne Hathaway or Had A Way ha! Increase respect for him as an actor. 'What about Ricky Lo So rise as respects Anne? Char! :) I think we already talked about that. :) Ok also the acting of Hugh Jackman. Also explosives! Asking the handsome yet. SHET! Asking the Zest. If her husband tang that I leave the room! It is up to you to see life. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ grammy nominations 2011 Silver Linings Playbook grammy nominations 2011 (Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Jacki Weaver)
Wow this movie! BP rising to stress !!! Shet. I'm not fan of rom-com movies grammy nominations 2011 varieties grammy nominations 2011 but the Silver Linings grammy nominations 2011 Playbook. Excellent workmanship. Wins the pacing, very contemporary and very edgy. Drops into jars, Ma'am! :)
So many times this film pinasakit my head because of the stressful, agitating nonsense and character arguments by Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. Wow! Able to sleep in my eyes all throughout the film because so many stressful and crazy-baliwan moments. Best alternative to coffee Silv

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Although she didn

Rachelle Ann Go on her decision not to extend Miss Saigon stint: "I actually told the company that I wanna try other roles. So, naging open naman ako. Sabi ko, [gusto ko ng] Wicked and  Les Misérables also," says Rachelle Ann in an interview with Philippine Entertainment grammy nominations concert Portal. Photo: Rachelle Siazon
"After that, I still don’t know," said Rachelle Ann in an interview with (Philippine Entertainment Portal) and two other entertainment reporters at Crowne Plaza this afternoon, March 11.
Although she didn’t reveal any definite details yet, Rachelle grammy nominations concert Ann shared that she’s eyeing a role in another famous musical, Les Misérables , which is slated to premiere in West End on May 11.
tama yung iba dito, bakit nagmamadali siya..e di magpapa audition naman sila...
wow laki na ng ulo, nanalo lang ng best acrress ayaw na mag extend? im sure cameron mackintosh is disappointed with you....did you know that it takes time to train someone as your replacement? bakit sigurado ka na ba na kukunin ka sa les miserables? baka sa kaartehan mo ang bagsak mo sa party pilipinas na, lol
Huwag kang magmadali..ilang buwan ka palang sa Miss Saigon.....look at Lea Salonga..lead role pa siya sa Miss Saigon, nanalo ng Tony etc..e nagstick sa role niya ng ilang taon...kumuha siya talaga ng experience before she moved to another project... We watched Il Divo Concert at the Kodak Theater where they hold the Oscars and Lea is their special guest performer...I bought grammy nominations concert a DVD of the 25th anniversary of Les Miserables held at Prince Albert Royal Hall in London and Lea Salonga grammy nominations concert was theup guest oerformer and played the role of Eponine...take time and get experience para maganda resume mo when you audition grammy nominations concert for another show.
03/11/2015 grammy nominations concert | 10:11 PM
MOST RECENT STORIES Gerald Anderson still on the process of healing after breakup with Maja Salvador; defends Janice de Belen Angel Locsin says she is emotionally grammy nominations concert and financially ready to settle down with Luis Manzano grammy nominations concert anytime soon Marian Rivera on prioritizing her pregnancy over The Rich Man's Daughter grammy nominations concert : "Kapag may nangyari sa anak ko, hindi ko mapapatawad ang sarili ko." Xian Lim considers PEPsters' Choice win as validation that his fans are still there despite negative issues Mich Liggayu wants to meet and talk to her bashers: "Para malaman ko kung bakit po sila may ganun sa akin." Kim Rodriguez on why she hasn't said 'yes' yet to Kiko Estrada: "Hindi pa po ako ready." Andrea Torres finds Cambodians more conservative than Filipinos Mikael Daez relates experience working in a Cambodian project Nora Aunor endorses Senator Grace Poe for President in 2016 The PEP List (Year 2): KimXi, DongYan, KathNiel grammy nominations concert are PEPsters' Choice winners!
Select One Ace Vergel Aga Muhlach Agot Isidro Aiko Melendez Aiza Marquez Albert Martinez Alessandra De Rossi Alfred Vargas Ali Sotto Alice Dixson Allan K Alma Moreno Amanda Page Amy Austria Ana Roces Andrew Wolff Angel Aquino Angel Locsin Angela Velez Angeli Pangilinan Angelica Panganiban Angelika Dela Cruz Angelo Ilagan Anita Linda Anjo Yllana Anne Curtis grammy nominations concert Ara Mina Arci Mu oz Armando Goyena Assunta De Rossi Atang De La Rama Ate Glow Aubrey Miles Baron Geisler Bayani Agbayani Bea Alonzo Bembol Roco Bentong Bernadette Allyson grammy nominations concert Bianca Gonzales Bojo Molina Bong Revilla Boots Anson Roa Borgy Manotoc Boy Abunda Camille Prats Carlos Morales Carmi Martin Cassandra Ponti Cesar Montano Champ Lui Pio Charito Solis Charlene grammy nominations concert Gonzales Charo Santos Chat Silayan Cherie Gil Chiquito Chokoleit Christian grammy nominations concert Vasquez grammy nominations concert Christian grammy nominations concert Bautista Christopher Roxas Claudine Barretto Cocoy Laurel Cogie Domingo Coney Reyes Dang Cecilio Dante Balboa Dawn Zulueta Dennis Roldan Dennis Trillo Diether grammy nominations concert Ocampo Dimples Romana Dina Bonnevie Dindi Gallardo Dindo Fernando Dingdong Dantes Dolphy Quizon Dominic Roco Drew Arellano Eddie Garcia Eddie Gutierrez Eddie Rodriguez Edu Manzano Edward Mendez Elizabeth Oropesa Eric Quizon Erik Santos Ethan Zulueta Eula Valdez Faith Cuneta Felix Roco Fernando Poe, Jr. Francine Prieto Frank Garcia Gabby Concepcion Gary Valenciano Geff Rodriguez Gian Carlos Gina Alajar Gloria Romero Gloria Diaz Glydel Mercado Heart Evangelista Hilda Koronel Ina Raymundo Isabel Rivas Isabella Iwa Moto Iya Villania James Yap Janice De Belen Japoy Lizardo Jay Ilagan Jay-R Jc Cuadrado Jc De Vera Jean Garcia Jenny Miller Jennylyn Mercado Jessa Zaragoza Joanne Quintas Jodi Sta. Maria Joel Torre John Estrada grammy nominations concert John Hall John Prats Jordan Herrera grammy nominations concert Jovit Baldivino Jr Valentin Judy Ann Santos Julie Vega Justin Cuyugan Karylle KC Concepcion Kris Aquino Kris Lawrence Kuh Ledesma Lani Mercado Lea Salonga Leo Martinez Lilet Lito Lapid Lito Pimentel Lolita Rodriguez Lorna Tolentino Lucy Torres Luis Alandy Marco Alcaraz Maricel Laxa Maricel Soriano Mariel Rodriguez Martin Nievera Marvin Agustin grammy nominations concert Matet De Leon Melanie Marquez Mhyco Aquino Mike George Mikee Lee Mikee Cojuangco Mikel Campos Miko Palanca Miko Palanca Nestor De Vi

This is it! My top 3 contenders for the Best Picture Award... mtv europe awards 2011 Wala na akong p

This is it! My top 3 contenders for the Best Picture Award... mtv europe awards 2011 Wala na akong pakialam sa mga prediksyon ng iba lalo na sa mga eksperto daw sa mga ganitong bagay.. hehehe.. Basta ito ang tatlong pinaka-nagustuhan ko at sa palagay kong mananalo sa Awards Day sa Lunes na (Philippine Time). And the 3rd place goes to.. 3. Django Unchained
" Gentlemen, you had my curiosity. But now you have my attention." Brutal -- ganito nga talaga mtv europe awards 2011 yata ang forte ni Quentin Tarantado este Tarantino...  Ganunpaman, nag-enjoy ako sa movie na ito, hindi lang sa mga brutal na barilan, pati na rin sa mga dialogue ng bawat karakter sa pelikula. mtv europe awards 2011 Magaling dito si Jamie Foxx, bilang isang dating slave na si Django (Bustamante, LOL) na sa tulong ni Dr. Schultz, nagkaroon siya ng pagkakataon na rumesbak sa mga nang-api sa kanya at kumuha sa kanyang asawa. This time, kontrabida itong si Leonardo DiCaprio, pero magaling din siya. Dahil inaantok na ako ngayon, ayoko nang ikwento, panoorin nyo na lang! Hahaha... Other Nominations: Best Supporting mtv europe awards 2011 Actor -- Christoph Waltz Best Cinematography Best Sound Editing I rate this movie: 7.79 out of 10! 2.  Les Misérables
“To love another person is to see the face of God.”  Alam na. Hindi na kailangang i-elaborate pa ang kwento nito. Alam nyo na ito. Matatanda na kayo! LOL! Pero di naman ako talaga fan ng musical na ito, ang masasabi ko lang... ok ang movie. Pero mas ok pa rin ang The Sound of Music. Hehehe... I just wonder, kumusta na kaya si Ricky Lo? Hehehe.. Oh.. that's a very personal question.. hehehe. Eh yung PANTENE Diet nya, kumusta kaya? Hahaha...  Ayoko rin kayong imbitahan na panoorin ang pelikulang ito. Let Anne Hathaway do the honor!!!! Other nominations: Best Original Song Best Supporting Actress -- Ricky Lo. Joke! Anne Hathaway Best Actor -- Hugh Jackman mtv europe awards 2011 Costume Design Best in Make up Best in Production Design I rate this movie: 8.28 out of 10! And the number 1 Oscar Best Picture Nominee (for me) goes to... 1. Life of Pi
"Doubt is useful, it keeps faith a living thing. After all, you cannot know the strength of your faith until it is tested." Tatlong beses ko pinanood ito.. sa sine, sa computer at sa tv... hahaha... Di naman halata na gusto ko ang movie na ito? Although base sa mga movie critic at mga fearless forecast na nababasa ko, hindi masyadong bine-bet ito bilang top contender.. Some say Argo can bag the trophy. Pero sa akin, ito pa rin ang mas nagpakita ng inspiration sa madlang audience katulad ko, hindi ko lang alam sa mga hurado. Sayang, hindi ako napiling hurado ng Oscars ngayon taon. LOL! Ito ay kwento ni Pi... hehehe... Si Pi na walang malay, puro na lang si Pi! Kwento rin ito ni Richard Parker, isang tigre na na-develop kay Pi. Joke! Since ang director nito ay si Ang Lee, who happened to be the director of the chinese mtv europe awards 2011 film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", may nagsasabi na si Richard Parker din yung nasa movie na yun. LOL! Kornik! Basta panoorin nyo na lang.... hahaha.. Other nominations: Best Original Song Adapted mtv europe awards 2011 Screenplay Best Director -- Ang Lee Cinematography Film Editing Original Score Production Design I rate this movie: 8.85 out of 10! There you have it, mga fans (hehehe).. ang aking Best Picture Review for the 2013 Oscar Awards. Next blog entry ko, try kong hulaan (hulaan talaga?) ang mga posibleng manalo sa iba't-ibang category since napanood ko na rin yung iba other than these Best Picture Nominees... Good luck to me! :p
Ang hitsura ng buwan sa mga oras na 'to {real time ito!}>>> mtv europe awards 2011
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The post KZ Tandingan Papal conclave to be held earlier Argo, Les Miserables win big at 85th Oscars Jodi Sta. Maria talks about world tour, Sir Chief, comfort experts and Jolo PWDs to travel comfort experts easier with e-wheelchair Aiza Seguerra’s song wins at Himig Handog White, metallic gowns sparkle at Oscars BE CAREFUL WITH MY HEART Tuesday 02.26.13 Aiza Seguerra’s ‘ANO’NG NANGYARI SA ATING DALAWA’ Live Performance at Himig Handog! Angeline Quinto’s ‘ONE DAY’ Live Performance at Himig Handog! KZ Tandingan’s ‘SCARED TO DEATH’ Live Performance at Himig Handog!
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Latest Showbiz News FULL VIDEO: Joy Viado breaks down after amputation oscars movies scare May 19, 2

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Ang historical drama film tungkol sa civil war na Lincoln emmy house ni Steven Spielberg ang sinas

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The race for the Oscars intensifies with all the forecasts emmy house and predictions. And the winners of the highly-anticipated 85th Academy Awards will finally be revealed this Monday (Feb 25) in the awards ceremony to be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, California. Watch its via satellite airing on Philippine free-to-air TV, 11 AM-2PM, on Studio 23.
Hosted by Family emmy house Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, this year s Academy Awards created much buzz online after netizens talk about the chances of early bets bringing home the shiny, gold-plated Oscar statuette.
Will Anne Hathaway win Best Supporting Actress emmy house for Les Miserables? Will Ben Affleck feel vindicated after being snubbed for the Best Director category if and when his movie Argo takes home the Best Picture Award? Or will Kathryn Bigelow, who was also shut out by the Academy for best director, have the last laugh if and when her Best Picture nominated film Zero Dark Thirty wins an Oscar?
Still the force to reckon with this year is Steven Spielberg s civil war saga, “Lincoln, leading the pack with 12 nominations, emmy house including best picture, best director and acting nods for Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones. It is followed by the heartwarming story about a shipwreck survivor and a tiger in the “Life of Pi,” emmy house with eleven nods and eight each for musical “Les Miserables” and romantic comedy “Silver Linings Playbook.”
Other nominees for the coveted Best Picture award include old-age love story “Amour”; the independent hit “Beasts of the Southern Wild”; the epic western film “Django Unchained”; “Les Miserables”; “Life of Pi”; “Silver Linings Playbook”; and the historical drama film about the greatest manhunt emmy house on the world s most dangerous man, “Zero Dark Thirty.”
Meanwhile, Daniel Day Lewis (“Lincoln”); Denzel Washington (“Flight”), Hugh Jackman (“Les Miserables”), Bradley Cooper (“Silver Linings Playbook”), and Joaquin Phoenix (“The Master”) battle it out for the Best Actor honor, while Naomi Watt (“The Impossible”), Jessica Chastain emmy house (“Zero emmy house Dark Thirty”), Jennifer Lawrence (“Silver Linings Playbook”), Emmanuelle Riva (“Amour”), Quvenzhané Wallis (“Beasts emmy house of the Southern Wild”) compete for Best Actress. emmy house
The controversial race for the Best Director category is a toss-up emmy house among director emmy house David O. Russell (“Silver Linings Playbook”); Ang Lee (“Life of Pi”); Steven Spielberg (“Lincoln”); Michael Haneke (“Amour”); and Benh Zeitlin (“Beasts of the Southern Wild”).
Panuorin ang pinamaningining na gabi sa Hollywood sa gaganaping 85 th Academy Awards ngayong Lunes (Feb25 sa Dolby Theater, Los Angeles, California na mapapanood via satellite sa Studio 23 sa ganap na 11 AM.
Talaga namang maugong ang nalalapit na gabi ng parangal, na pangungunahan emmy house ni Seth MacFarlane emmy house bilang host, lalo na sa mga social networking sites kung saan may kaniya-kaniyang pambato ang mga netizens para sa mag-uuwi ng gintong Oscar statuette.
Masungkit kaya ni Anne Hathaway ng Les Miserables ang titulong Best Supporting Actress? Makakabawi kaya si Ben Affleck matapos siyang isnabin sa kategoryang Best Director para sa pelikulang Argo? Maiuuwi niya ba ang Best Picture Award? O kaya naman kay Kathryn Bigelow ba ang huling halakhak, na etsapwera rin sa kategoryang Best Director ngunit nominado naman sa kategoryang Best Picture ang pelikula nitong Zero Dark Thirty ?
Ang historical drama film tungkol sa civil war na Lincoln emmy house ni Steven Spielberg ang sinasabing isa sa pinakamalakas na entry matapos itong umani ng 12 nominasyon, kasama na dito ang best picture, best director, at best actor (Daniel Day-Lewis) habang may 11 nominasyon naman ang “Life of Pi. Parehong may walong nominasyon naman ang musical film na “Les Miserables” at romantic comedy dramang “Silver Linings Playbook.”
Mag-aagawan din para sa Best Picture award ang mga nominadong “Amour, emmy house “Beasts of the Southern Wild;” “Django Unchained, “Les Miserables,” “Life of Pi,” “Silver Linings Playbook,” at “Zero Dark Thirty.
Sina Daniel Day Lewis (“Lincoln”); Denzel Washington (“Flight”), Hugh Ja

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hahaha! True! I love Jennifer Lawrence! Not typical hollywood star who will starve herself to death

Anne Hathaway, a close friend of designer Valentino and one of his biggest fans, surprised the fashion world when she trod the red carpet wearing a pale pink dress by another Italian designer,Prada. The Valentino fashion house had even released a press statement in advance of the Oscars disclosing that it would be dressing the Les Miserables actress in addition to Sally Field andJennifer Aniston. Anne has since issued an apology to the designer, saying: "It came to my attention late Saturday night that there would be a dress worn to the Oscars that is remarkably similar to the Valentino I had intended to wear." Anne seemed to be referring to her Les Miserables co-star Amanda Seyfried's grey Alexander McQueen the recording academy gown. "I decided it was best for all involved to change my plans," she explained. "Though I love the dress I did wear, it was a difficult last-minute decision," added the 30-year-old, who picked up an Academy the recording academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She contacted her stylist Rachel Zoe to help with a selection of back-up dresses. On the night itself Anne explained that it was a last-minute decision. "I didn't even know what I was wearing until about three hours ago," she said.
"I had so looked forward to wearing Valentino in honor of the deep and meaningful the recording academy relationship I have enjoyed with the house and with Valentino himself," said Anne in the statement to People magazine. "I deeply regret any disappointment caused". Valentino, who is responsible for the bold red number heralded by fashion fans at Anne's Oscars appearance in 2011, also created the actress' bespoke wedding gown which she wore when she married the recording academy actor Adam Schulman in September 2012. Source:
Oo te masmaganda nga kaso magkamuka na sila ng gon ni amanda! Kahit ako ayoko pumunta doon ng may halos kaparehas na suot no! Ano un?! May dance number kame?! Wlang kinalaman un sa cnasabe mong pagkahambog nya Delete
parang si Mega Delete
Hahaha! True! I love Jennifer Lawrence! Not typical hollywood star who will starve herself to death just to look like a model. She is who she is, even if people the recording academy call her fat. Talent it is. Talent. Delete
me envy jlaw's body slim curvy :( Delete
Love ko na rin si JLaw! I know off topic pero sa Oscars talagang pinaka the recording academy napansin yung moment the recording academy ni JLaw at yung pagkapanalo nya na best actress. Yung damit ni anne sa rating nga mga foreign media, so-so lang yung gown nya compared to Amanda Seyfried and JLaw... saka ano pa ba aayusin kay ate eh short hair na nga sya. Kaloka. I read from news she made the stylist and hairdresser wait for two hours just to decide what to wear on Oscars! :P Delete
Anne does not have a good reputation lately. Maraming naiinis sa kanya. Fashion Police dabbed her as the worst dress. Marami siyang insultong natanggap kay Joan Rivers. Ha ha ha. What was a very chic Prada gown turned into something cheap. Buti nga sa kanya. Reply Delete
I was really surprised how FAKE Anne can be. No doubt that she is one of the great actresses of her generation. the recording academy But can she not, in one moment during the awards seasons, come off as real every time she won? Jennifer Lawrence did it naturally. She, however, had to painfully act surprised every time. And her speeches, my goodness! Wonder how her husband can take the time to listen to her. Hahaha! Reply Delete
Sana man lang kinontanct nya yung designer about sa nabalitaan nya, siguro naman may back-up plan din yung designer. si Rachel Zoe talaga kinontact nya, nakakainsulto naman sa designer na yun after ba naman inannounce na isa sya sa bibihisan Reply Delete
back on the topic, i think ok lang naman na she wore another gown pero sana valentino pa rin. kasi diba in "fashion" ng showbiz people, they find it wrong to wear similiar dresses with other stars specially pag same red carpet event. kaya diba madalas mapalabas sa segment sa "fashion police" the t.v. show na "who wear it better." kahit nga wearing again and again the same dress/clothes parang they find it off, may segment ding ganon sa fashion police. ~reychel zows! Reply Delete
Anne made the right decision, e kamukha nga nung gown na susuotin ni Amanda yung isusuot niya sana e, she actually did Amanda a HUGE favor by wearing another dress. It would have been a flop for both of them... Sya na yung nagparaya, siya pa ang lalabas na masama. And the fact na nagapologize naman siya kay Valentino says a lot about her character. If I were Amanda, I would be thanking her for what she did. Reply Delete
Nagparaya? Hahahah Dapat lang naman talaga na siya ang magchange coz she was the one who had a problem the recording academy with it. Siya yung nagwala at nagdadrama nung makita niya ang picture ng gown ni Amanda. Amanda was just shocked at the kind of behavior Anne showed when she saw the picture. And Anne had time to pick another gown. Kung tutuusin di naman yan made-to-order yung first choice niya. Pinili niya la

SOUND MIXING Les Misérables , Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson and Simon Hayes

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The 85th Academy Awards ceremony (referred to as “ The Oscars “) is a current event during which the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) is presenting its annual Academy Awards to honor the best films of 2012 in the United States . The ceremony is currently being held at the Dolby Theatre in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles, California. Seth MacFarlane hosted the Academy Awards for the first time.
SOUND MIXING Les Misérables , Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson and Simon Hayes
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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Today ang Academy Awards aka Oscars 2013. Super biased

Today ang Academy Awards aka Oscars 2013. Super biased ‘tong list na ‘to kasi hindi ko naman napanood lahat ng Oscars nominees. Hindi ko rin kasi ganun ka-bet mo yung mga hindi ko napanood kaya keri lang pero pag nanalo sila ng kahit anong award mamaya eh baka ma-persuade akong panoorin sila. Anyway, so ang napanood ko lang ay ang mga sumusunod: Beasts of the Southern Wild, Les Miserables, Silver Linings Playbook, Amour, and Life of Pi. Based sa limang napanood ko, here are my predictions baftas 2011 for this year’s baftas 2011 Oscars:
Siya naman talaga ang dark horse para sa award na yan. And besides siya na ang nanalo sa Golden Globes, so most likely siya na rin ang mananalo sa Oscars. Exceptional naman talaga yung acting ni Anne Hathaway sa Les Miserables. Infairness naman talaga! And she sings well. Tama na ang pag-compare sa kanya kay Lea Salonga. Magkaiba sila, ok? Am I right, Ricky Lo? Keri. Ang taray kaya ng performance ni Anne! Favorite ko yung eksenang kumanta siya ng I Dreamed a Dream. Super raw ng performance nya! Nakatulong din yung creative choice ng director na pakantahin sila sa set while acting (madalas kasing gawin sa mga musicals baftas 2011 eh nirerecord muna yung mga kanta prior sa shooting baftas 2011 tapos ili-lipsync na lang nila yung songs nila while acting), damang-dama talaga ni mareng Anne yung eksena. Pati garalgal ng boses niya uma-acting! Kabog diba! Kaya for me deserved niya ang Best Supporting Actress baftas 2011 award. Wala lang kokontra at makukuha niya talaga yang award na yan! Pusta ako 100pesos.
Quvenzhane Wallis (Beasts of the Southern Wild) is the youngest among the nominees while Emmanuelle Riva (Amour) is the oldest. Please. No more Jennifer Lawrence in Oscars. Okay na siya sa Golden Globes. Iba naman sa Oscars, please. Just please. I don’t baftas 2011 hate J-Law. Magaling din naman ang acting niya sa Silver Linings Playbook pero for me, mas may kalidad ang acting ni Quvenzhane at ni Emmanuelle. Si Quvenzhane ang nagdala sa Beasts of the Southern Wild. Napaka-raw baftas 2011 at super believable yung acting niya. And medyo mahirap ipull-off yung role niya so I think she really deserve the award. Ganun din for Emmanuelle Riva. No acting-acting si Lola Emmanuelle sa Amour! Natural lang. Mahirap din yung ganun ah. Wala pa masyadong dialogues yung Amour so kelangan mangusap talaga ng mga mata ni Lola Emmanuelle. baftas 2011 Pusta ulit ako ng 100 para dito! Go Hushpuppy and go Lola!
Bakit si Ang Lee? Kasi saktong-sakto ang timpla ng Life of Pi. This kind of story can go overboard if not directed well. Pwede siyang maging corny, pwede siyang maging hindi kapani-paniwala and pwede rin siyang maging “meh” lang na parang walang dating. Hindi ko pa nababasa yung novel pero I believe this kind of story is really great on paper pero mahirap i-translate into bigger screen. Ocean, bengal tiger, Indian boy and etc. are different elements na challenging na pagsama-samahin. Tito Ang Lee handled it very well. Pusta ako ng 200 pesos.
Argo daw ang front-runner. Hindi ko kasi talaga feel si Ben Affleck. Pero sige, pag Argo pa rin ang nanalo, papanoorin ko na yun. Anyway, para sakin ang napipisil kong Best Picture ay ang Life of Pi. Feeling ko eto ang mananalo. Sa mga napanood ko, ang pinaka-bet ko talaga ay ang Beasts of the Southern Wild but I have this feeling na maii-snob yun for Best Picture. Eh yun na nga. Ang tingin kong swak sa panlasa ng Oscars for Best Picture ay etong Life of Pi. Lahat kasi ng elemento ng pelikulang to eh de-kalidad. Maganda pagkaka-direct ni Tito Ang Lee. Plus super interesting nga naman ang kwento. Okay din naman ang acting ni Indian boy. Maganda ang kulay at production design. Masarap baftas 2011 sa mata panoorin. Hanep din yung mga 3d chever dito! Basta. Malakas ang pakiramdam ko na Life of Pi ang mananalong Best Picture. Pag di daw to mananalo, lalapain silang lahat ni Richard Parker! Pusta ako dito ng 250 pesos.
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Friday, May 15, 2015

Argo took home Best Picture, Best Adapted list of emmy winners Screenplay, and Best in Film Editing

Argo took home Best Picture, Best Adapted list of emmy winners Screenplay, and Best in Film Editing at the 85th Oscar Awards. Meanwhile, Life of Pi won Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Original Score, and Best Director for Ang Lee. Anne Hathaway won her first Oscar as Best Supporting Actress for Les Miserables . Photo: Movie posters
Best Cinematography: Life of Pi , Claudio Miranda
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