Sunday, October 27, 2013

VOV.VN 2011 mtv ema 10/27/2013 - Germany will appoint the head of the intelligence agency Wasghinto

Peter Higgs - 2013 Physics Nobel owner had "not good" ... Physical | News online. backlinks info: enriching the teaching - learning enrichment - enrichment - rich - the rich - learn how to get rich - how to get rich - rich knowledge - knowledge of finance - investment knowledge - thinking to do rich - rich secret - enrichment workshops for News vietnamese coffee movie watch the throne optical cable comedy comedy online news or peeling over 24 cookery Travel Guide tasty guitar capo op video and photographs 2011 mtv ema lung iphone karaoke dat cu chi fireworks appliance mediphar wines skin clinic lieu hcm three bamboo feng shui paintings
With casual lifestyle, Peter Higgs, one of two owners Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013, said he was receiving his award during a person you met on the street. In addition, the outstanding physicist also revealed the school he studied physics "not very good".
While Professor Higgs (University of Edinburgh - UK) into a bustling diner to enjoy soup, salmon and beer Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish been frantically contacting him to announce the Nobel Prize in Physics results. Professor Peter Higgs, one of two physicists won the Nobel in 2013.
Instead of getting information directly from the Nobel committee in Stockholm, Professor Higgs, 84 years old and unused mobile phones, hearing the news while on his way home after lunch. A former neighbor who met him on the street and tell him the good news.
Professor 2011 mtv ema Higgs said he initially went to the Highlands region to avoid noisy stay but eventually 2011 mtv ema decided to cancel his trip to Leith and lunch without any notice to any colleagues at the University of Edinburgh.
"I feel relieved 2011 mtv ema and serene feeling because everything is finally finished. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, "Professor Higgs answer the question how he felt about winning the science award.
Higgs He shared the prize with Professor Francois Englert Englert Franccois 2011 mtv ema University (Belgium) who also developed a similar theory in 1964 along with colleague Robert Brout. Physicist Robert Brout died in 2011, can not become a Nobel candidate.
Professor Higgs said he had been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics long ago, in the 1980s, but only last year did he feel this award may be within reach after scientists operate largest particle accelerator in the Organisation for European Nuclear Research (CERN) confirm 2011 mtv ema the existence of the Higgs.
Scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics also revealed high school, he was "not very good" in Physics. He said come back in Britol Cotham school, he only won the prize in chemistry and also for his language, physics "unspectacular".
"I just do not see school physical unspectacular that I was not good at learning 2011 mtv ema about this subject. At school I won the award for language, English, mathematics and chemistry, but have never won a prize in physics. When I first received the physics 2011 mtv ema prize was in 1981, "owner since 2013 Nobel Prize in physics.
He's also advice for any students interested in physics: "For those who want to follow the path that I have gone, I have advice for you that you do not expect to be able to do things with computer, you must have some basic math skills because only a passion for physics alone is not enough. "
VOV.VN 2011 mtv ema 10/27/2013 - Germany will appoint the head of the intelligence agency Wasghintong to ask the U.S. government to clarify this issue. The scandal surrounding wiretapping case of Western leaders that the U.S. continues to have a headache. On ...
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10/27/2013 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (left) shaking hands Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing 2011 mtv ema on 10/22/2013 (Reuters Photo) Date 21-23/10 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visit to China at the invitation of ...
10/27/2013 Washington began to build missile defense system (NMD) in Romania. This is a component of the overall 2011 mtv ema U.S. NMD system in Europe which Russia 2011 mtv ema was vehemently opposed for years. According to the press secretary of the ...
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