Thursday, October 10, 2013

---- Guru Han

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Tang Shizeng
---- Guru Han
贾茹涵  拿下第53届格莱美��罴压诺淇缃缱�蠼
Guru Han's 2011 oscar nominees home in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Normal University Conservatory mother was a professor. Guru Han four years learning the piano, 5-year-old school dance, drama and painting, seven-year-old became the Municipal Palace and the Municipal Choir of the Choir singing, then they admitted to the China Conservatory, later studying at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, reading undergraduate Master, won the second of Wales and Bulgaria International Vocal Competition "discovered" international pop music competition gold medal, was "discovered" contest the first ever Chinese player. In graduate school, she starred in the musical "Zhou Xuan", drama "Crescent" and then went to England to perform the musical "Monkey Journey to the West", 2011 oscar nominees play Avalokitesvara. The play has in France 巴黎夏特莱 Opera, Manchester Palace Theatre, and London's Royal Opera, United States South Carolina theater 2011 oscar nominees tour. Her beautiful voice, 2011 oscar nominees elegant, deeply admire international music producer and composer, artist, without rest.
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