Saturday, April 18, 2015

World Heritage precious heritage that man has a proud past and present. And is committed to the fos

First Report of the 2554 elections, the rule of various periods. 2012 academy awards Administrative 2012 academy awards reform reign of the fifth event of the rebels. Since 130 (rebels SIA Rama) June 24, 2475 rule change history and revolutionary rebel takeover in the government district, Thailand Thailand (cabinet) Justice Thailand. The administrative organization of the ASEAN ASEAN.
World Heritage 2012 academy awards (London: World Heritage Site; France: Patrimoine Mondial) is a forest, mountain, lake, desert, monument, including buildings. Including the City Who were recruited by the UNESCO since 2515 to indicate that the value of what humanity or nature has created. And should protect those things, however. To have upon the future in 2553, there were 911 registered heritage of world cultural heritage is divided 2012 academy awards into 704 and 180 of the World Natural 2012 academy awards Heritage Hybrid 27 is located in 151 countries. Italy was the country with the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Site is 44 of the UNESCO World Heritage 2012 academy awards Site is a reference to each of a number. However, registered in many times, it will incorporate heritage is registered, he is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site with more space. Thus, there is no world to more than 1,200, although there are a number of World Heritage less time. Each World Heritage Site is the property of the owner of the land where the world is. However, it has been considered to be in the interests of the international community in preserving the heritage of the world.
World Heritage precious heritage that man has a proud past and present. And is committed to the fostering care. To give a precious heritage unto mankind in the future.
The Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (The World Heritage Convention) divides the world into. Cultural heritage (cultural heritage) Natural Heritage (natural heritage) and World Heritage hybrid (mixed heritage) is a World Heritage cultural and natural in countries around the world, 134 countries, 2012 academy awards 788 of the cultural heritage 611. of natural resources and an integrated 23 154 sources, which led to international 2012 academy awards cooperation in promoting and encouraging heritage is protected and preserved seriously.
Cabinet has agreed to participate as a party to the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site on 16 June 2530 and agreed to present the cultural and natural resources, including 6 of Thailand to hold it. on the list of World Heritage Sites, including Ban Chiang. Sukhothai - Si - Walls.

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