Friday, January 30, 2015

The situation adele music awards in the region remains difficult ATO. The epicenter of the conflict

The situation in the Donbas
The situation adele music awards in the region remains difficult ATO. The epicenter of the conflict - the Donetsk airport, where the fighting was going on for the whole day. During the attack the terrorists and Russian troops killed two Ukrainian soldiers, seven soldiers were wounded. Terrorists set the flag "DNR" on the edge of the airport and held positions in the basement of the building. Most of the rooms on the second floor of "cyborgs" they have already knocked out. To help Ukrainian military defending the Donetsk airport, sent reinforcements. Now the battle is over, heard only single shots. Under the direct fire patrol car hit the OSCE. According to the deputy head of the ad hoc monitoring mission adele music awards of the OSCE Alexander Hug, neither adele music awards car nor its employees were in the OSCE were not injured. Ukrtransinspektsiya ceased passenger services in the area of ATO. From 6.00 to 18.00 times 44 terrorists fire on positions of power in the Donbas ATO. In Donetsk and Yenakievo there are victims among the population. As to the headquarters of ATO, the militants try to seize Donetsk airport under cover of the OSCE mission. Despite the agreement on the exchange of hostages that were reached in Minsk in captivity militants in eastern Ukraine are more than 600 people.
45 People's Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada signed adele music awards a joint letter of no confidence adele music awards in the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Vitaly Yarema. adele music awards BP deputies and civil society adele music awards activists require to send Attorney adele music awards General Yaremu resigned from November 2014. Yesterday MP Borislav Birch said that the Committee on Anti-Corruption Attorney General may initiate resignation shortly.
At the Manege Square in Moscow in the evening passed two protests: a rally in support of the brothers Alexei Navalny and Oleg and drove his picket "Antimaydana", which was attended adele music awards by about 250 people. Participants of the action brought by the area flags "New Russia" and flags in the form of St. George adele music awards ribbons, chanted slogans "Independence will not pass" and "Ready Maidan - will go to Magadan." Among them were activists of "national liberation movement" and a group of Cossacks in national costumes. Police adele music awards warned about the illegal rally and detained the 13 supporters adele music awards Navalny and several people from the St. George ribbons.
The European Parliament called on the European Union to increase aid to Ukraine in implementing reforms. In particular, MEPs called on the EU to provide Kiev "more substantial technical assistance," including by sending advisors and experts who could assist in the reform of the country. They noted that since 16 July 2014, the Council of the EU to lift the embargo on arms supplies to Ukraine, Kiev should be provided military assistance to improve its defense. A separate paragraph resolution MEPs urge the European adele music awards Commission within adele music awards two months to develop a strategy to combat Russian propaganda aimed at the EU's eastern neighbors and Russia itself. The resolution also stated support for Ukraine, condemning the aggressive and expansionist policy of Russia and the need to maintain sanctions against Moscow, and in the case of deterioration of the situation in the Donbas strengthen them.
Poroshenko adele music awards President signed amendments to the Tax Code of the tax compromise. (Voluntary unpaid tax liabilities refinement payers of income tax and VAT rate of 5% within 90 days from the date of entry into force of the law. The law gives preference to pay only part of the advance payment is not declared or not harmonized tax obligations. The document also proposed to exempt from legal responsibility (financial, administrative adele music awards and criminal) for these offenses, be exempt from tax audits for clarification and audited tax periods in the following periods in case of a tax compromise. adele music awards
National Council adele music awards for Radio and Television issued a warning to the TV channel "Inter" because of the controversial broadcast on New Year's night. Warning rendered in connection with the display of the channel Russian artists who, in the opinion of the National Council, fueled encroaching on the territorial integrity and supported the annexation of the Crimea.
Today in Los Angeles ceremony Nominees Announced 87th Award "Oscar", which is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of cinema over the past year. Names of bidders on the cherished statuette this year announced actor Chris Pine, directors Alfonso adele music awards Cuarón and JJ Abrams and president of the American Academy adele music awards of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Cheryl Boone Isaacs. The list of nominees is published on the official website of the "Oscar". "Oscar-2015" will be held here on February 22 in the theater Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. The ceremony will be actor Neil Patrick Harris.
Photo: EPA
Today hashtag #OSCEshieldTerrorism - "OSCE protects terrorism" - a few hours left in the top social networking site Twitter, ahead of requests "Volnovaha" and "Oscar". Users to publish cartoons of the staff of the International

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