Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bitola 1 C 0 C 0 C Ohrid Skopje Joke of the Day Why palvusha the morning rubs her eyes? - Why

Once we saw that movies are nominated in various categories for the Oscars, turn to see the original songs for films. The list found Rita Ora song "Grateful" for the movie "Beyond the Lights". The song is written by Dijan Warren, which is likely to appear on the 87-Mite awards Oscar since the awards are awarded to songwriters.
Adam Levine of Maroon 5 male band, complies with the song "Lost Stars" for the film "Begin Again", while the latter nomination belongs to Glen Camp for the song "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" written for his film "Glen Campbell: I 'll Be Me ".
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Bitola 1 C 0 C 0 C Ohrid Skopje Joke of the Day Why palvusha the morning rubs her eyes? - Why no eggs for you to scratch! IDIVIDI Macedonian Radio Pop Classical best and worst dressed golden globes Dance Hip-Hop Jazz Rock Ambient Tehno & Trance Condition road Skopje, January 31, 2015 (AFP) - road goes on wet tracks. Light snow ripples in Kriva Palanka, Sunny Hill, Mavrovo, Ohrid, Kru, beech, Pletvar ... Religious calendar this Macarius, best and worst dressed golden globes who has called the church and the Great was born in Upper Egypt in 300 years. When mature in Wedding parents married against their will, but his wife died after ... On this day 1834.- In Ohrid Kuzman Shapkarev was born, one of the ... 1883.- Under French engineer ... 1887th - Established Hollywood's largest film ... 1924.- British Labour government has admitted ... Horoscope

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Economy Anti-crisis measures of the government of the Russian gma awards Federation: the old plan in a new way? 30/01/2015
Comedy made in the USA "Birdman" and the British-German comedy "Grand Budapest Hotel" received the highest number of nominations for the award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, said the agency dpa. Both paintings claim the award "Oscar" in nine categories. The film received eight nominations "The Imitation Game" of British mathematics, logic, and cryptography Alan Turing. Six nominations in the historical drama directed by Clint Eastwood "American Sniper" and has already awarded gma awards three "Golden Globes" movie "Boyhood", rented for 12 years with the same actors. Five nominations - the English biopika "The Theory gma awards of Everything" about physics Stephen Hawking, music psychological drama "Whiplash" and the sci-fi drama "Interstellar". Four - from the American drama "Foxcatcher" and historical tragicomedy about the English marine painter William Turner "Mr. Turner".
Among the documentaries in the finals of the prestigious cinema competition out tape "Citizenfour", telling about the revelations of Edward Snowden total surveillance of US intelligence, and a portrait of Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado "Das Salz der Erde", filmed with the participation of German director Wim Wenders (Wim Wenders). The five contenders for the Academy Award in the category "Best Foreign Language Film" includes "Leviathan" by Andrei Zvyagintsev, Polish painting "Ida" Pavel Pawlikowski and Estonian film "Mandarins" Georgian director Zaza Urushadze.
87th in a row ceremony of awarding the winners of the award "Oscar" will take place on February 22 in Los Angeles. In the role of the lead for the first time will make the American actor Neil Patri Harris, known in particular for the series "How I Met Your Mother".
His name was well known and controversial. But it was only after his death found out what he was awarded the Order of the British Empire. Exhibition "The genius and the secret" - is dedicated to Alan Turing. (21.02.2012)
Date 15.01.2015 Author Ella Volodin Topics gma awards Censorship, Movies, Leviathan Keywords Oscar, film, cinema, Film Awards, nominations, Leviathan gma awards Share Send Facebook Twitter gma awards Google+ More ... Whatsapp Tumblr Vkontakte Livejournal Mail Odnoklassniki My Circle Feedback: Which aspects of cultural life in Germany you would like to find on our website? Print Print this page Permalink
Date 15.01.2015 Author Ella Volodin Topics Censorship, gma awards Movies, gma awards Leviathan Keywords Oscar, film, cinema, Film Awards, nominations, Leviathan Share Send Facebook Twitter Google+ More ... Whatsapp Tumblr Vkontakte Livejournal gma awards Mail Odnoklassniki My Circle your opinion Print Print this page Permanent link http : //
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Friday, January 30, 2015

The situation adele music awards in the region remains difficult ATO. The epicenter of the conflict

The situation in the Donbas
The situation adele music awards in the region remains difficult ATO. The epicenter of the conflict - the Donetsk airport, where the fighting was going on for the whole day. During the attack the terrorists and Russian troops killed two Ukrainian soldiers, seven soldiers were wounded. Terrorists set the flag "DNR" on the edge of the airport and held positions in the basement of the building. Most of the rooms on the second floor of "cyborgs" they have already knocked out. To help Ukrainian military defending the Donetsk airport, sent reinforcements. Now the battle is over, heard only single shots. Under the direct fire patrol car hit the OSCE. According to the deputy head of the ad hoc monitoring mission adele music awards of the OSCE Alexander Hug, neither adele music awards car nor its employees were in the OSCE were not injured. Ukrtransinspektsiya ceased passenger services in the area of ATO. From 6.00 to 18.00 times 44 terrorists fire on positions of power in the Donbas ATO. In Donetsk and Yenakievo there are victims among the population. As to the headquarters of ATO, the militants try to seize Donetsk airport under cover of the OSCE mission. Despite the agreement on the exchange of hostages that were reached in Minsk in captivity militants in eastern Ukraine are more than 600 people.
45 People's Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada signed adele music awards a joint letter of no confidence adele music awards in the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Vitaly Yarema. adele music awards BP deputies and civil society adele music awards activists require to send Attorney adele music awards General Yaremu resigned from November 2014. Yesterday MP Borislav Birch said that the Committee on Anti-Corruption Attorney General may initiate resignation shortly.
At the Manege Square in Moscow in the evening passed two protests: a rally in support of the brothers Alexei Navalny and Oleg and drove his picket "Antimaydana", which was attended adele music awards by about 250 people. Participants of the action brought by the area flags "New Russia" and flags in the form of St. George adele music awards ribbons, chanted slogans "Independence will not pass" and "Ready Maidan - will go to Magadan." Among them were activists of "national liberation movement" and a group of Cossacks in national costumes. Police adele music awards warned about the illegal rally and detained the 13 supporters adele music awards Navalny and several people from the St. George ribbons.
The European Parliament called on the European Union to increase aid to Ukraine in implementing reforms. In particular, MEPs called on the EU to provide Kiev "more substantial technical assistance," including by sending advisors and experts who could assist in the reform of the country. They noted that since 16 July 2014, the Council of the EU to lift the embargo on arms supplies to Ukraine, Kiev should be provided military assistance to improve its defense. A separate paragraph resolution MEPs urge the European adele music awards Commission within adele music awards two months to develop a strategy to combat Russian propaganda aimed at the EU's eastern neighbors and Russia itself. The resolution also stated support for Ukraine, condemning the aggressive and expansionist policy of Russia and the need to maintain sanctions against Moscow, and in the case of deterioration of the situation in the Donbas strengthen them.
Poroshenko adele music awards President signed amendments to the Tax Code of the tax compromise. (Voluntary unpaid tax liabilities refinement payers of income tax and VAT rate of 5% within 90 days from the date of entry into force of the law. The law gives preference to pay only part of the advance payment is not declared or not harmonized tax obligations. The document also proposed to exempt from legal responsibility (financial, administrative adele music awards and criminal) for these offenses, be exempt from tax audits for clarification and audited tax periods in the following periods in case of a tax compromise. adele music awards
National Council adele music awards for Radio and Television issued a warning to the TV channel "Inter" because of the controversial broadcast on New Year's night. Warning rendered in connection with the display of the channel Russian artists who, in the opinion of the National Council, fueled encroaching on the territorial integrity and supported the annexation of the Crimea.
Today in Los Angeles ceremony Nominees Announced 87th Award "Oscar", which is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of cinema over the past year. Names of bidders on the cherished statuette this year announced actor Chris Pine, directors Alfonso adele music awards Cuarón and JJ Abrams and president of the American Academy adele music awards of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Cheryl Boone Isaacs. The list of nominees is published on the official website of the "Oscar". "Oscar-2015" will be held here on February 22 in the theater Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. The ceremony will be actor Neil Patrick Harris.
Photo: EPA
Today hashtag #OSCEshieldTerrorism - "OSCE protects terrorism" - a few hours left in the top social networking site Twitter, ahead of requests "Volnovaha" and "Oscar". Users to publish cartoons of the staff of the International

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Zvyagintsev has no plans to abandon the

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Media: Arkady Rotenberg company became a general contractor to build a bridge to the Crimea o palmenbaum and business January 30 1:50
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LOS ANGELES, January 9. / Correspondent. Alexander Urusova TASS /. Directed by JJ Abrams and Alfonso Cuaron January 15 to announce the nominees for the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts "Oscar" (Oscar). On Friday said show producer Craig Zadan.
Abrams and Cuaron rise by Samuel Goldwyn Theater stage at 05:30 on the US West Coast time (16:30 MSK) and called contenders for gold statuettes in 11 categories, including "Best Documentary Film", "Best Animated Film" and "Best o palmenbaum Visual effects. " After that actor Chris Pine and president of the Academy Cheryl Boone Isaacs-called nominees in the other 13 categories, among them - "Best o palmenbaum Film", "Best Director", "Best Foreign Language Film", as well as applicants for the "Oscar" in all acting categories.
"Leviathan" - the author's interpretation of the biblical story of Job, told through modern Russia, and a reference to the eponymous works of the famous English o palmenbaum philosopher Thomas Hobbes. The picture also applies for the prestigious American award "Golden Globe".
Earlier, along with the "Leviathan" o palmenbaum in the short-list "Oscar" got eight more films, including "Corn Island" George Avashvili, "Timbuktu" Abderrahmane Sissako, "Ida" Pavel Pawlikowski, "Force Majeure" Robin Estlunda, "Wild tales "Damian Shifrona and other works.
Zvyagintsev has no plans to abandon the "existential hopelessness" in his new film
International Panorama of the Head of the DNI and LC reported under what conditions are ready to go to the talks in Minsk
Sports 13 Maria Sharapova reached the final of Australian Open, defeating Ekaterina Makarova Army and DIC 9 PAK FA: military wings of the future Culture 16 Anton Chekhov in art and in life: 155 years since the birth of the playwright International Panorama 15 Nicolas Sarkozy: the former president before the new Incidents o palmenbaum start 17 snowstorm in US Society 15 As the world marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Northwest 14 How ballet became a symbol of the pre-revolutionary coup: 120 years of "Swan Lake" at the Mariinsky 18 Sport Sharapova and Makarov: in anticipation of the Russian semi-final at the Australian Open Society 18 International o palmenbaum Holocaust o palmenbaum Remembrance Day: 6 million, o palmenbaum which should not be forgotten International Panorama 12 "Slap monstrous power": the victory o palmenbaum of the radical Left in the elections in Greece International o palmenbaum Panorama 10 New unrest in Egypt Society 9 Amur tiger in Russia Society o palmenbaum 15 finale of the beauty contest "Miss Universe - 2014 "International Panorama 16 Events of the week in pictures January 19-25, Society 4 Kirovograd frontline offensive
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There are however common, and so is a misconception that precedes the

"Leviathan" and its rivals: the struggle for the "Oscar" began - Vadim Rutkowski - Culture - Website Submissions - Snob
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15245 views "Leviathan" and its rivals: the struggle for the "Oscar" began January 15, 2014 The American rihanna grammy dress Film Academy has announced rihanna grammy dress the contenders for the world's most famous film award. rihanna grammy dress Promptly comment list
"Oscar" - not just a reward, it is also a show, and the show organizers transform even a formal thing, rihanna grammy dress as the announcement of the nominees. Woke up before dark and not too lazy to come to Beverly Hills to 5:30 am in Los Angeles, in a crowded movie theater named Samuel Goldwyn (great producer and one of the founders of Hollywood), president of the Academy Cheryl Boone Isaacs, actor Chris Pine and directors rihanna grammy dress Alfonso Cuarón and JJ Abrams. All just to announce the names of those who will compete for the award presentation. 15-minute procedure consisted of two parts: for three consecutive years on a mini-ceremony to announce candidates in all 24 categories. You can see a complete list on the official site of the award And here briefly rihanna grammy dress introduce those nominated for best film, actor and film work in a foreign language.
2. "Ida" Many work in Britain Pole Pavel Pawlikowski, black and white drama about a national wine: Poland rihanna grammy dress ordinary citizens responsible for genocide of Jews during World War II is not less than the Nazis. Still from the film "Ida"
3. "Mandarins" Georgian director Zaza Urushadze rihanna grammy dress are nevertheless Estonia: the action takes place in Abkhazia rihanna grammy dress in 1992, the last inhabitants of the Estonian settlement that failed to return to their historic homeland, are drawn into a military conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia. Still from the film "The Mandarins"
5. "wild stories" Argentine Damian Sifrona, producer project Pedro Almodovar, just recently come to our rental. A little more - again, in a report to the Cannes rihanna grammy dress Film Festival, the premiere of three of the five nominated for the "Oscar" of paintings. Still from the film "Wild stories
There are however common, and so is a misconception that precedes the "Oscar" distribution "Golden Globe" rihanna grammy dress - a dress rehearsal rihanna grammy dress for the award. Coincidence, of course, there are often, but no laws it does not follow. "Golden Globe" awarded by representatives of the foreign press accredited in Hollywood, that is, non-US journalists, some of whom are our regular contributor Nellie Holmes. "Oscar" - the guild award is voted most other people - actually the ones who make American movies and writes about it. "Leviathan," rihanna grammy dress which, in the end, says the weakness of man, his insignificance and under the hand of power, and before God, and the clash with their own desires, not too fit into a triumphant Hollywood tradition, where people always sounds do not mind, and proudly. On the other hand, for Americans this poluzapreschenny at home affected by changes in film censorship - the personification of Russia's discontent, albeit timid, yet disobedience to the state. rihanna grammy dress George Clooney wears a T-shirt, where Putin baptized obscene nickname, rhymes with the word "hack" and the nickname "terrorist number one" in Hollywood is not alone, so the chances of "Leviathan" is. But it is likely that win "Ida". She had just won the prize of the European Film Academy - a year ago, for example, tastes of American and European academics match, won everywhere "great beauty" by Paolo Sorrentino.
1. "American Sniper" - the second (after the brilliant musical "Guys from Jersey") for the year patriarch Clint Eastwood film, a biopic based on the true story of "sea lion" Chris Kyle. Still from the film "American Sniper"
2. Kvazifantasticheskaya comedy about people and the theater "Berdman" Alejandro G. Inarritu - details in the report from the Venice Film Festival, which "Berdman" opens. Iñárritu presented and personalized director's nomination. rihanna grammy dress Still from the film "Berdman"
3. Unique saga of Richard Linklater "Adolescence", fictional characters that grew up along with the performers (more - in the end 2014). rihanna grammy dress Personal directing nomination at Linklater too. Still from the film "Adolescence"
4. "Grand Hotel Budapest" Wes Anderson, rihanna grammy dress historical detective farce that also have in our above-mentioned outcomes. And as a director Anderson, of course, is nominated. Still from the film "Grand Hotel Budapest"
5. "

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Culture January 15 16:39 update date: January 15, 17:12 UTC + 3 LOS ANGELES / Corr. TASS Alexander

1024)} "class =" best dressed at the oscars b-page b-page_inner best dressed at the oscars b-page_rus b-page_menu_default ">
Sergei Voronov in second place after the short program at European best dressed at the oscars Figure Skating Sport January 28, 17:48
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Culture January 15 16:39 update date: January 15, 17:12 UTC + 3 LOS ANGELES / Corr. TASS Alexander Urusova 87th ceremony of gold statuettes will be held February 22 at the theater Dolby entertainment complex Hollywood and Highland
Announced the contenders for gold statuettes president of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Cheryl Boone Isaacs, actor Chris Pine and producers JJ Abrams best dressed at the oscars and Alfonso Cuaron. The 87th ceremony of the golden statuettes will be held February 22 at the theater Dolby entertainment complex Hollywood and Highland. Best Film
In the main categories - "Best Film" - presented films "Adolescence" (Boyhood), "imitation game" (The Imitation Game), "Stephen best dressed at the oscars Hawking's Universe" best dressed at the oscars (The Theory of Everything), "Selma" (Selma), "Hotel "Grand Budapest" (Grand Budapest Hotel), "Berdmen" (Birdman), "Obsession" (Whiplash) and "American Sniper" (American Sniper). Best Director
In the category "Best Director" Alejandro González Iñárritu presented with a picture of "Berdmen or unexpected advantage of ignorance" (Birdman or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), Richard Linklater ("Adolescence", Boyhood), Bennett Miller ("Foxcatcher", Foxcatcher ), Wes Anderson ("Hotel" Grand Budapest ", The Grand Budapest Hotel) and Morten Tildum best dressed at the oscars (" imitation game ", best dressed at the oscars The Imitation Game).
For the palm in the category "Best Actor" best dressed at the oscars will compete Steve Carell ("The Hunter fox", Foxcatcher), Benedict Cumberbatch ("imitation game", The Imitation Game), Michael Keaton ("Berdmen", Birdman), Eddie Redmayne (" Stephen Hawking's Universe ", The Theory of Everything) and Bradley Cooper (" American Sniper ", American Sniper). Best Actress
For the "Oscar" in the category "Best Actress" will compete best dressed at the oscars Julianne best dressed at the oscars Moore, who played in the movie "Still Alice" (Still Alice), Reese Witherspoon ("Wild", Wild), Marion Cotillard ("Two Days, One Night", Two Days , One Night), Felicity Jones ("Stephen Hawking's Universe", The Theory of Everything) and Rosamund Pike ("Vanished", Gone Girl). Supporting Actor
In acting nominations for supporting actor Jonathan Kimble Simmons presented ("Obsession"), Robert Duvall ("Judge", The Judge), Ethan Hawke ("Adolescence"), Edward Norton ("Berdmen") and Mark Ruffalo ("Hunter fox "). In the competition for the Golden Knights best dressed at the oscars female supporting actor Patricia best dressed at the oscars Arquette claim ("Adolescence"), Keira Knightley ("imitation game"), Emma Stone ("Berdmen"), Meryl Streep ("The farther into the forest") and Laura Dern ( "Wild"). Best Documentary
In the category "Best Documentary" presented the film "Citizen of four" (CitizenFour), "Finding Vivian Maier" (Finding Vivian Maier), "The Last Days of Vietnam" (Last Days in Vietnam), "Salt of the Earth" (The Salt of the Earth) and "Virunga" (Virunga). Best Original Screenplay
Deserve to challenge the golden statuette academics authors found the screenplay for "Berdmen" (Birdman), "Adolescence" (Boyhood), "" Grand Budapest "(Grand Budapest Hotel)," Stringer best dressed at the oscars "(Nightcrawler) and" Hunter Fox "(Foxcatcher ).
On the "Best Adapted Screenplay" pushed "imitation game" (The Imitation Game), "Obsession" (Whiplash), "The theory of Stephen Hawking" (The Theory of Everything), "American Sniper" (American Sniper) and "Congenital" (Inherent Vice). In addition, in the category "Best Cinematography" presented tape "Berdmen", "Hotel" Grand Budapest "," William Turner "," Ida "(Ida) and" Unbroken "(Unbroken). The best animated film
In this category are presented "City of Heroes" (Big Hero 6), "How to Train Your Dragon 2" (How to Train Your Dragon 2) "The Munsters" best dressed at the oscars (The Boxtrolls), "Song of the Sea" (Song of the Sea) and " The Tale of Princess Kaguya "(The Tale of the Princess Kaguya).
"Oscar" for "Best make-up and hairstyles" will fight for the belt, "" Grand Budapest "," Hunter Fox "and" Guardians of the Galaxy. "In best dressed at the oscars the category" Best Music "presents the tape" imitation game "," Hotel "Grand Budapest" "Stephen Hawking's theory," "Interstellar" and "Turner Williams." best dressed at the oscars
In the category "Best Film Editing" presented tape "American Sniper", "Adolescence", "Hotel" Grand Budapest "," imitation best dressed at the oscars game "and" Obsession "." Oscar "for" Best sound editing "will fight for the belt," American Sniper " "Berdmen," "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies," "Interstellar" and "Unbroken".
For the award in the category "Best Visual Effects" will fight the tape "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," "Guardians best dressed at the oscars of the Galaxy," "Interstellar" and "X-Men: Days of Future Past".
January 28 16:14
The main thing in the world
Sports Sharapova 18 and Makarov: in anticipation of the Russian semi-final at the Australian best dressed at the oscars Open International Panorama 15 Nicolas

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

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1.Amerikansky sniper 2.Bёrdmen 3.Otrochestvo 4.Otel "Grand Budapest" 5.Igra in imitation 6.Selma 7.Teoriya all 8.Oderzhimost Best Actress: 1.Mariyon Cotillard 2.Felisiti Jones 3.Dzhulianna Moore 4. Rosamund Pyk 5.Riz Witherspoon Best Actor: 1.Stiv Carell 2.Bredli Cooper 3.Benedikt Kemberbatch 4.Maykl Keaton 5.Eddi Redmeyn Best Supporting Actor: 1.Robert Duvall 2.Itan Hawke 3.Edvard Norton 4.Mark Ruffalo 5.Dzh.K.Simmons Best Supporting Actress: 1.Patritsiya Arquette 2.Lora Dern 3.Kira Knightley 4.Emma Stone 5.Meril Streep Best Costume Design: 1.Otel "Grand Budapest" 2.Vrozhdenny defect 3. The farther into the woods ... 4.Malifisenta 5.Mister Turner Best Cinematography: 1.Berdmen 2.Otel "Grand Budapest" 3.Ida 4.Mister Turner 5.Neslomlenny Best Makeup: 1.Otel "Grand Budapest" 2. Starzhi galaxy 3.Ohotnik Fox Best Director: Gonzalez Inarritu 1.Alehandro adele grammy awards 2.Richard Linklater 3.Bennet Miller Anderson adele grammy awards 4.Ves 5.Morten Tildum adele grammy awards Best Soundtrack: 1.Otel "Grand Budapest" 2.Igra in imitation 3.Interstellar 4 .Mister Turner 5.Teoriya adele grammy awards all Best Original Screenplay: 1.Bёrdmen 2.Otrochestvo 3.Ohotnik Fox 4.Otel "Grand Budapest" 5.Stringer Best Adapted Screenplay: 1.Amerikansky sniper 2.Igra in imitation 3.Vrozhdenny defect 4 .Teoriya all 5.Oderzhimost Best Original Song: 1. Lego movie - "Everything is awesome" 2. Selma - "Glory '' 3. Behind the Scenes - '' Grateful '' 4. Glen Campbell: I am a - '' I'm not gonna miss you '' 5. Once in your life - "Lost stars '' Best Visual Effects: 1. First Avenger: Another war 2.Vosstanie Planet adele grammy awards of the Apes 3.Strazhi galaxy 4.Interstellar 5.Lyudi X: days past future Best sound editing: 1.Amerikansky sniper 2.Bёrdmen 3.Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies 4.Interstellar 5.Neslomlenny Best Editing: 1.Amerikansky sniper 2.Otrochestvo 3.Otel "Grand Budapest" 4.Igra in simulation adele grammy awards 5. Best sound mixing obsession: 1.Amerikansky sniper 2.Bёrdmen 3.Interstellar 4.Neslomlenny 5.Oderzhimost Best Artistic animated film heroes 1.Gorod 2.Semeyka monsters 3. How to Train Your Dragon 2 4.Pesn sea 5.Skazanie about Princess Kaguya Best animated short film: 1.The Bigger Picture 2.The Dam Keeper 3.Feast 4.Me and My Moulton 5.A Single Life Best Foreign Language Film: 1.Ida 2.Leviafan adele grammy awards 3.Mandariny 4.Timbuktu 5.Dikie stories Best short documentary: 1.Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1 2.Dzhoanna 3.Nashe curse 4.Zhnets (The Reaper (La Parka) 5.Belaya Earth Best Documentary: four 1.Grazhdanin 2. In search of Vivian Maier 3.Poslednie days in Vietnam 4.Sol Earth 5.Virunga Best Art Direction: 1.Otel "Grand Budapest" 2.Igra in imitation 3.Interstellar 4.Chem farther into the woods ... 5.Mister Turner Best Short Film: 1.Ayya 2.Bugalu and Graham 3.Maslyanaya lamp 4.Parvaneh 5.Telefonny Up Source
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rom79: give, give him an Oscar. adele grammy awards Shenderovich rights, it is rewarding adele grammy awards pure politics! As in his time on the background of the events in Poland, was absolutely politicized decision to make the Pope flea Cardinal from Poland. The award of the film "Man of Stone", the first prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Inspired by the release of the Internet, pure poppycock, lease it fails, as well as Sokurov's films, Lars von Trier, Fellini. Films which took prizes, but did not go to the box office!
kapral777: As in his time on the background of the events in Poland, was completely politicized decision to make the Pope flea cardinal from Poland. But how did they get to the point. It is for all Catholics saint, with his arrival at the Vatican began a new life and all subsequent popes take his example. And second, I do not think that does not understand-American Film Festival in a good movie, it's probably not the masses ..... doponimayu, for them there is another movie and its lot. Watch and enjoy.
The so-called premium so-called "Oscar" - is openly anti-Soviet, anti-Russian, anti-Russian and anti-Russian, anti-Chinese conspiracy of people who personally or Intermediary held blacks in slavery, and so do the Indians almost totally destroyed! Therefore, this kyno us ne nuzhen!
asylum: adele grammy awards What is there something special? Nothing adele grammy awards special. Dilapidated village after the war, broken roads, collapsed adele grammy awards industry, toilets on the street with a hole above the cesspool, beggars, sullen people, general drunkenness, unem-

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Monday, January 26, 2015

For the title of

"Berdmen" and "Hotel" Grand Budapest "received nine nominations for" Oscar "| RIA Novosti
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MEDIA: The FBI suspects 3 Russians 84th academy awards spying, one arrested in New York Analysts: solution S & P may cause the debt crisis companies in Russia Paul Craig Roberts compared the West to Mordor, and the US - with Sauron Spanish experts have found the grave with the initials Cervantes Ex-minister of Germany: 84th academy awards economy should be a mediator between Russia and the West dollar peaked in 2015 on the decision of S & P Road New York from Monday evening will be closed for private transport film about the bear cub Paddington headed the Russian hire UN efforts to resolve the crisis in Ukraine to double "Rosneft": the ratings for Russian companies have lost their meaning
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 - RIA Novosti. Comedy "Berdmen" and "Hotel" Grand Budapest "won nine nominations for" Oscar "in 84th academy awards 2015, awards laureates Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will be held at a ceremony 84th academy awards in Hollywood on 22 February. The best and their creators
Thursday morning in Los Angeles were named contenders 84th academy awards for the "Oscar" in all 24 categories. In nine of them declared "Berdmen" directed by Alejandro 84th academy awards González Inyaritu and "Hotel" Grand Budapest "Wes Anderson. Both films will compete for the Film Award of the year in both technical and acting nominations, as well as the most honorable categories:" best picture "of the year.
In addition to these works, among the eight contenders for the main picture of the year also included "American Sniper" Clint Eastwood, "Stephen Hawking's Universe," a historical drama "Selma" and winner of the main prize Sundance last year, "Obsession."
In the category "Best Director" presented the Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Inyaritu ("Berdmen"), also known for the film "Babel", for direction which he was nominated for "Oscar". Competitors are the owner of "Golden Globe" in the same category Richard Linklater ("Adolescence"), for it is the first nomination 84th academy awards for "Oscar" for best director, Wes Anderson ("Hotel" Grand Budapest "), which is three times nominated for" Oscar "in different categories, Bennett Miller ("Hunter Fox"), for which it is the second nomination for "Oscar" for Best Director, as well as the Norwegian 84th academy awards Morten Tildum ("imitation game").
Contrary to expectations, the list of contenders for the award did not include the creator of historical tape "Selma" Ava Duvernay. Kinoakademiki did not give her a chance to become the first, claiming the "Oscar" black woman-director. 84th academy awards Top performers
In selecting applicants for the principal actors, members of the Academy Awards 84th academy awards as a whole did not deceive the expectations of moviegoers, the active component of the lists of possible candidates for the prize long before the announcement of nominees.
For the title of the main actor on the version of the "Oscar" will compete two Britons: 84th academy awards received last week, "Golden Globe" Eddie Redmayne 84th academy awards for his role as scientist Stephen Hawking and Benedict Cumberbatch (for the execution of mathematics River Aln Turing in the film "Game of imitation"). Company they will make Michael Keaton ("Berdmen"), best known for his comedy work, Steve Carrel ("Ohotnok fox") and Bradley Cooper ("American Sniper").
For the title of "Best Actress" will fight Julianne Moore ("Still Alice"), Reese Witherspoon ("Wild"), Rosamund Pike ("disappeared"), Felicity Jones ("Stephen 84th academy awards Hawking's Universe") and Marion Cotillard ("Two Days one night "). Contrary to the expectations of moviegoers in the final list of candidates 84th academy awards are not logged in or Jennifer Aniston, which predicted a place among the five nominees for his role in the film "Cake" or Amy Adams, received the award for the second year in a row the Hollywood Foreign Press "Golden Globe" in the category of best comedy actress.
Contenders for the title of "Best Supporting Actor" this year was Robert Virgo, Ethan Hawke, Edward Norton, Mark Ruffalo and the owner of "Golden Globe" JK Simmons. For gastric

Sunday, January 25, 2015


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LOS ANGELES, Jan. 15. / Correspondent. Alexander Urusova TASS /. The film "Leviathan" by Andrei Zvyagintsev will represent Russia in the category "Best Foreign Language Film" Award of the American Academy of Motion Picture cassandra s dream Arts. This was announced during cassandra s dream a ceremony announcing the nominees cassandra s dream for the "Oscar" in the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Los Angeles.
Competition for the prestigious Russian tape make Argentine painting "Wild stories" (Wild Tales) Damian Stsifrona, Estonian film "Mandarins" (Tangerines) Zaza Urushadze, Moorish tape "Timbuktu" (Timbuktu) cassandra s dream Abderrahmane Sissako and "Ida" (Ida) Pole Paul Pawlikowski. cassandra s dream Critics believe that the "Leviathan" Zvyagintsev has a good chance cassandra s dream to win the "Oscar".
The world premiere took place ribbon in the main competition program of the 67th Cannes International Film Festival, where the picture has received the award "for best screenplay." Also won the award ribbon Association of foreign journalists accredited to Hollywood - "Golden Globes" (Golden Globe Award). cassandra s dream "Leviathan" won the award for "Best Foreign Language Film."
The picture cassandra s dream also won the prize as "Best cassandra s dream Foreign Film" 32 th International Film Festival in Munich. In addition, cassandra s dream the "Leviathan" cassandra s dream was nominated for the prestigious British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). The plot of the movie
The idea of a film came from the director after he learned about the history of the welder from the US state of Colorado Marvin Heemeyer, which the new owners decided to buy cement factory workshop located in their territory. Later, the director met with medieval novels, where he found similar stories. The filmmakers called the event "Leviathan" universal for any country and nation where people struggling with the state machine alone and lost.
The plot of "Leviathan" is built around the main character Nicholas (Alexei Serebryakov), who with his wife Lily (Elena Liadov) and son lives in a small northern town and owns the garage. When the mayor is trying to demolish his house, Nicholas asks for help from an old friend - a successful lawyer in Moscow Dmitry Seleznev (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), who arrived in town, facing the arbitrariness of officials.
January 26, 6:20
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

The plot of

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Media: Libyan group "Ansar al-Sharia" confirmed the death of their leader International Panorama January 25 2:52
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Culture January 15, 0:56 UTC + 3 LOS ANGELES / Corr. TASS Alexander Urusova Names of bidders will be announced directors JJ Abrams and Alfonso Cuaron, actor Chris Pine and President kinokademii Cheryl Boone Isaacs,
LOS ANGELES, emmy winners 2011 Jan. 15. / Correspondent. Alexander Urusova TASS /. The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts on Thursday at 05.30 local time (16.30 MSK) call the nominees for the most prestigious in the world of cinema "Oscar" at the end of 2014. The ceremony will be held in the theater Samuel Goldwyn in Beverly Hills (Los Angeles).
Declare the applicants for the Golden Knights will be in two stages. Directed by JJ Abrams and Alfonso Cuarón called nominees in 11 categories, including "Best Documentary Film", emmy winners 2011 "Best Animated Film" emmy winners 2011 and "Best Visual Effects". After that actor Chris Pine and Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, will announce the lists of names in the other 13 categories, including "Best Film", emmy winners 2011 "Best Director", "Best Foreign Language Film" and call applicants for "Oscar "in all categories of actors. Critics forecasts emmy winners 2011
In the main category "Best Film", tend to fall between five and ten pictures. Film critics predict that this year's list of most likely will include the films "Adolescence" (Boyhood), emmy winners 2011 "imitation game" (Imitation Game), "Foxcatcher" (Foxcatcher), "Stephen Hawking's Universe" emmy winners 2011 (The Theory of Everything), "Selma" (Selma), "Hotel" Grand Budapest "(The Grand Budapest Hotel) and" Berdmen "(Birdman).
In the category "Best Director" experts expect to see Wes Anderson ("Hotel" Grand Budapest "), Richard Linklater (" Adolescence "), Morten Tilduma (" imitation game "), Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu (" Berdmen "), emmy winners 2011 in addition , it is possible hit list and Clint Eastwood ("American emmy winners 2011 Sniper", American Sniper).
Nomination for "Oscar" in the major acting categories designate Jennifer Aniston ("Cake", Cake), Felicity emmy winners 2011 Jones for his work in the film "Stephen Hawking's Universe," Julianne Moore ("Still Alice", Still Alice), Rosamund Pike ("Vanished ", Gone Girl), and Reese Witherspoon (" Wild ", Wild).
In the coveted list can also get Steve Carell ("The Hunter Fox"), Benedict Cumberbatch ("imitation game"), Jake Gyllenhaal ("Stringer"), Michael Keaton ("Berdmen"), Eddie Redmayne ("Stephen Hawking's Universe" ), Robert Duvall ("Judge"), Ethan Hawke ("Adolescence"), Edward Norton ("Berdmen") and Mark Ruffalo emmy winners 2011 ("Foxcatcher"). Russia's "Leviathan" claims the award for "Best Foreign Language Film"
It includes Russian film "Leviathan" by Andrei Zvyagintsev, Argentine "wild stories" (Wild Tales) Damian Stsifrona, Estonian "Mandarins" (Tangerines) Zaza Urushadze. In addition, the list included the Georgian film "Corn Island" (Corn Island) George Ovashvili, Moorish "Timbuktu" (Timbuktu) Abderrahmane Sissako, Dutch "Accused" (Accused) Paula van der Set, the Polish "Ida" (Ida) Paul Pawlikowski, Swedish "Force Majeure" (Force Majeure) Ruben Estlunda and Venezuelan "Liberator" (The Liberator) by Alberto Arvelo.
"Leviathan" - the author's interpretation of the biblical story of Job, and a reference to the eponymous works of the famous English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. The idea of a film came from the director after he learned about the history of the welder from the US state of Colorado Marvin emmy winners 2011 Heemeyer, which the new owners decided to buy cement factory workshop located in their territory. emmy winners 2011 Marvin was not going to make concessions, and when it became clear that it was lost, was closed in the tractor cab and headed into town to destroy everything in its path. Later, the director met with medieval novels, where he found similar stories. The filmmakers called the event "Leviathan" universal for any country and nation where people struggling with the state machine alone and lost.
The plot of "Leviathan" is built around the main character Nicholas (Alexei Serebryakov), who with his wife Lily (Elena Liadov) and son lives in a small northern town and owns the garage. When the mayor is trying to demolish his house and confiscate all property, Nicholas asks for help from an old friend, a successful Moscow lawyer Dmitry emmy winners 2011 Seleznev (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), who arrived in town, facing the arbitrariness emmy winners 2011 of officials. Further events spin heroes in incredible cycle, which leads to a tragic outcome. The reaction to the picture Zvyagintsev
Chapter emmy winners 2011 Teriberka (Murmansk region) Tatiana Trubilin where the shooting emmy winners 2011 took place the film, calling it improbable. "The village and its inhabitants in the film shows a negative one-sided," - she said.
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"Oscar" nominees which were known before, will be the "white" since 1998. Users of social networks at once began to reproach kinoakademikov racism, arguing that they do not even pay attention to movies involving people with different skin color.
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Friday, January 23, 2015


Russian and Soviet films - nominees and winners of the award "Oscar" | RIA Novosti
More Main power politics and the law of the Party and the movement Security Society Health Education Religion and outlook Social protection Social Media Navigator Life without Walls Navigator grbavica film entrant Children Society Economy Money News Energy companies Auto World Economy Tourism Global Europe Asia Africa North America South America Australia and Oceania Incidents Criminal Investigations and the courts conflict and unrest disasters and catastrophes Sports 2014 FIFA World Cup Sports Development Programme Science Technologies Ekokarta Russian Nuclear Technology Culture Radio Religion situation in the Donbass Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia World Economic Forum in Davos Oil Prices Turn to the East Dynamics courses Currency Sanctions against Russia Murder families in Gyumri World Economic Forum in Davos in 2015
Yakunin: Railways revenues in 2014 amounted to 1.38 trillion rubles Shevtsova: almost a quarter of the federal budget-2015 grbavica film will go to the Armed Forces as a symbol of King Abdullah of Saudi stagnation Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for the funeral of Saudi King on Saturday will go to Prime Minister grbavica film Medvedev Footballer Alibek Aliev will act CSKA at number 17 Ukrainian grbavica film security officials grbavica film said they retain their positions in the Donbas The situation in Ukraine. January 2015 Opinion: w / d project Moscow-Beijing - a huge incentive for the two economies Shevtsova: increase the state defense order will make the MIC "driver" of the Russian economy
"Leviathan" by Russian director Andrei Zvyagintsev and producers Rodnyansky and Sergei Melkumova was among the nominees for the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences "Oscar" in the category "Best Foreign Language Film."
The first Soviet film, the award-winning "Oscar" was the documentary film "The defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow" take down a group of front-line operators under the leadership of Leonid Varlamov and Ilya Kopalin and issued by the Central Documentary Film Studio. In 1943, the picture won the competition category "documentary" on a par with the two American and one Australian bands, also dedicated to the events on the fronts of World War II. In the US, the tape was shown under the name Moscow Strikes Back ("Moscow Strikes Back").
In 1976, the second time the highest award of the Academy in the same category was awarded to the film "Dersu Uzala" grbavica film (co-production grbavica film of the USSR and Japan), created on the "Mosfilm" Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa.
In 2000, the prize was awarded to the director, animator Alexander Petrov for the cartoon "The Old Man and the Sea" (a joint project with the participation of Russia, Canada and Japan).
Alexander Petrov - the only Russian film director whose works fall into four Oscar nominees number: animated picture "The Cow" (1990), "The Mermaid" (1998), "My Love" (2008), as well as the film "The Old Man and the Sea", which brought In 2000 Petrov golden statuette.
In 1962, nominations for "Oscar" in the music category in the category "Best Soundtrack to a dramatic or comedy film" award at the claimed "Khovanshchina" (opera by Modest Mussorgsky), the author of the arrangements and the cinematic version of the opera composer Dmitri Shostakovich.
In 1985, two films were nominated for the award. In short documentary competition participated grbavica film picture Irina Kalinina grbavica film "Memories of Pavlovsk," grbavica film and for the best foreign language film struggled "Wartime Romance" Peter Todorovski.
The first Russian film - nominated for "Oscar" in 1993 in the category "Best Foreign Language grbavica film Film" was the picture of Nikita Mikhalkov's "Urga: Territory of Love" (Close to Eden).
In 2009, in the category of "Best Animated Short Film" was presented cartoon grbavica film "Lavatory history - a love story", or "Lavatory - Lovestory" (director Konstantin bronze). grbavica film
01.15.2015 17:48 "Leviathan" by Russian director Andrei Zvyagintsev and producers grbavica film Rodnyansky and Sergei Melkumova was among the nominees of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences "Oscar" in the category "Best Foreign Language Film."
Shuvalov: nobody will force Russia to do something with the help of sanctions
For some reason, for the Oscar (unless of course get) I would be disgusted. Very well expressed in the internet on another site about this: "... grbavica film as soon as it became known that the original script was about American life. Think now, Russian director would remove such" Mr O "about America. Let him at least where it -nibud close? Yes way at all would have been closed grbavica film to the West

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Elena Rykovtseva: I read you what he said about the Medina

"Leviathan": "Oscar" and harassment
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The explosion of a passenger bus at Volnovaha caused a new attack of hysteria in federal propaganda media: it is necessary at any cost to prove that it is the fault of the Ukrainian army. Also: an information war against its own (Russian) film "Leviathan." vma s 2011 Visiting Andrei Kolesnikov ("Novaya Gazeta") and Ekaterina Barabash ("Interfax"). Leading Elena Rykovtseva.
Elena Rykovtseva: Winter vma s 2011 exacerbation of propaganda - is the topic of today. Event number vma s 2011 one - this extension of the film "Leviathan" by Andrei vma s 2011 Zvyagintsev on "Oscar". In the studio, Andrei Kolesnikov, a freelance journalist and in touch with us Ekaterina Barabash, a columnist for "Interfax". Let me explain why I'm talking about the aggravation of propaganda, vma s 2011 because we are all amazed, surprised even when giving this film award "Golden Globe" when the federal TV channels first and second active tried to miss this event. They talked about the ceremony itself, about some, for others, and suddenly at the end of a forwarding: but there is such a film Zvyagintsev, he received the "Golden Globe". Very quietly, casually, that people do not understand what happened. Although usually when winning Russian team, if winning Russian film, then start with this news, it is scrolled. vma s 2011 What do you associate here is to do with this film, this award? Why was not widely told the Russian people that he won, why not proud of this Russian cultural officials?
Ekaterina Barabash: You know, I also thought about this for a long time, this phenomenon is really interesting. I think this is due to the chaos that is happening in our country, the chaos that accompanied the absolute substitution of concepts. In this case, what happens: State considers that it misrepresented that it black, the film by Andrei Zvyagintsev - it is nothing like the denigration of Russia. This is nothing like a completely wrong, false notions of patriotism. In fact, it would seem strange if a person is sick with something that he does in the first place - he is trying vma s 2011 to recover. For example, he broke his hand, he does not try to hide it somewhere, he goes to the doctor and trying to treat it. It's vma s 2011 perfectly normal man loves himself. If a man loves his homeland, and its obligation to love the Ministry of Culture officials including, it is generally their main duty, they should first think about their own shortcomings and try to somehow cure them. In this case, the Ministry of Culture officials just have to resort to art and culture. They do not, they are trying to cover up this change zelenkoj and think that nobody will see it, everything will be fine. As a result of the continuing chaos forced absurd, and we have what we have. It seems to me that, by the same chaos we have, unfortunately, a lot of people in the country are not engaged in the business. Unfortunately, vma s 2011 many officials Ministry of Culture, engaging culture, do not understand what culture and art, how it works, what does it. That is, they believe that culture - is a kind of services, which should work on some conditional prosperity of the state. That is, they give culture a function of ideology in fact. I think this is a big mistake.
Elena Rykovtseva: I read you what he said about the Medina "Leviathan", the whole interview took the newspaper "Izvestia": "The decision was made on state under the previous minister of culture. And today you would be allowed to finance the picture with a similar scenario?". And he replied: "My personal opinion: movies that are not just sharpened on critics of the government, and frankly it spit - which, vma s 2011 incidentally, vma s 2011 disrespect to the selection of taxpayers, filled with the spirit of hopelessness and meaninglessness of our with

Monday, January 12, 2015

2010 (18) September (2) Hi girls! academy award categories So we are going to hold a class ...

Hi girls! So we are going to hold an evening class, come on Friday 10 September. It could start 17:00 and is expected to last until 21:30. Evening class theme: academy award categories Lady GaGa In any event, it does not constitute the will to sing, but you will be required academy award categories to comply with the dress of Lady Gaga traditional costumes, this does not mean that there will be deaths wear a mask and come with poles but that dress must be in the bizarre, bright and whimsical. There will also be a wee organized contests and 1st place prize will be. We will try to make this evening in class one of the best, funniest, coolest online.
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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Redmains Eddie (Eddie oscar best documentary Redmayne)

Redmains Eddie (Eddie oscar best documentary Redmayne)
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Saturday, January 10, 2015


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Thursday, January 8, 2015

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August 2013 MTWTFSS Jul September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Log Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS Categories Photos brit award winners (1,302) Mix (314) Style (2,421) Videos (1,648) News (3,812) Last Commented best hairstyles for 2014 !!! | POPS.LV on the best hairstyles for 2012 !!! ANNUAL Top 10 best dressed celebrities | POPS.LV on year's top 10 best dressed celebrities on 40 beautiful actress Sandra Bullock after 40 - the best paid actress | POPS.LV on Robert Downey junior again became the best-paid actors getjealous. com on Alessandra Ambrosio, brit award winners Adriana Lima and Kendisa Svenapela advertisement for Victoria's Secret swimwear Blogroll Celebrity Snap Photos

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

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On Sunday evening, the newly Barclays took place in the heart of Brooklyn's annual MTV Video Music Awards. It was already the thirtieth ceremony, which brought together the current largest and most vociferous popular music stars. Evening main prize for the best video clip went to Justin Timberlake (Justin Timberlake) hands on video for the song "Mirrors".
Timberlake in this category struggled with Bruno Mars song "Locked Out of Heaven", Taylor Swift "I Knew You Were Trouble", Robin was "Blurred Lines" and the Seattle hip-hop duo Maklemora and Ryan Lewis (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis) songs "Thrift Shop videos.
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September 2014 MTWTFSS

As written by the foreign press, then Beyonce (Beyonce) and Jay ZI (Jay-Z) can be expecting a second child. On September 12, a pair of speakers together in Paris koncertūres On the Run framework. It was then that the rapper also left a hint of performing the song Beach Is Better, where is the line to the following:
In recent months, floated in the press information that the couple is going through a relationship crisis and are going to divorce. Speech at the MTV VMA silent event in late August, which together oscars predictions 2012 with the daughter Blu Ivey appeared on stage and kissed. Also, your 33.dzimšanas diebu Beyonce celebrated with her husband and daughter.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Solanz Knowles (Solange Knowles)

Solanz Knowles (Solange Knowles)
Rita Ora (Rita Ora)
No Comments | November 14, 2012 George Clooney and Amal Alamudinas first wedding photo
August 2014 MTWTFSS Jul September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Log Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS golden globe award winners Categories golden globe award winners Photos (1,298) Mix (313) Style (2,418) Videos (1.646) News (3,807) Last comments Hairstyles 2014 best !!! | POPS.LV golden globe award winners on the best hairstyles for 2012 !!! ANNUAL Top 10 best dressed celebrities | POPS.LV on year's top 10 best dressed celebrities on 40 beautiful actress Sandra Bullock after 40 - the best paid actress | POPS.LV on Robert Downey junior again became the best-paid actors getjealous. com on Alessandra Ambrosio, Adriana Lima and Kendisa Svenapela advertisement for Victoria's Secret swimwear golden globe award winners Blogroll Celebrity Snap Photos

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Kelly Osbourne - 'Material Girl' ad
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Monday, January 5, 2015

Legal notice voiced yesterday MTV VMA Awards at a time when it was advertised Denzel Washington (De

Shady is back. 15 years have already passed since Eminem's debut, and rapper to be released this fall for its ninth studio album Shady XV. The sequel to the previous album, 2013 Marshall Mathers LP 2 coming out on November 28 Black Friday.
Legal notice voiced yesterday MTV VMA Awards at a time when it was advertised Denzel Washington (Denzel Washington), the new film "The Equalizer". The film is heard Eminem's piece "Guts Over Fear" in collaboration with Sia.
Eminem album advertises wearing T-shirts with the name of the album, and its Rianna (Rihanna) joint concert tour at the time. Albums Shady Eminem XV coincides with the 15th anniversary in show business, his debut album The Slim Shady LP won četkrāšo platinum brit awards winners disc.
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August 2014 MTWTFSS Jul September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Log Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS Categories Photos (1,297) Mix (313) Style (2.417) Video (1.644) News (3.804) Last Commented best hairstyles for 2014 !!! | POPS.LV on the best hairstyles for 2012 !!! ANNUAL Top 10 best dressed celebrities | POPS.LV on year's top 10 best dressed celebrities on 40 beautiful actress Sandra Bullock after 40 - the best paid actress | POPS.LV on Robert Downey junior brit awards winners again became the best-paid actors getjealous. com on Alessandra Ambrosio, Adriana Lima and Kendisa Svenapela advertisement for Victoria's Secret brit awards winners swimwear Blogroll Celebrity Snap Photos

Sunday, January 4, 2015

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