Saturday, December 7, 2013

As mentioned, all my assumptions were broken during academy awards nominees the first hour of

Things do not always happen as planned, and it will tell them Gaffney after watching the new processing L"alovi academy awards nominees Life "by Victor Hugo. What could surprise another version Factbook on average once a decade since the invention of cinema? Hint - it is related Catwoman
Open confession - I hate musicals. With understanding and love film, I just can not get used to the fact that the characters begin to sing to express emotions. It does not fit me straight. Of course every rule has an exception, and I have these two immortal musicals, "Singin 'in the Rain" and "Hair." Musicals are the only two I can watch them again and again, without a strong desire to break the screen in front of me. So, armed with my love for the genre lack of old (in fact, one of the oldest genres in film history), I sat down to watch the screen adaptation of Tom Hooper ("The King's Speech") L"alovi life "- academy awards nominees Tenth processing, it should be noted, has devised this device shoots movies.
If you've opened confessionals, here's another one - I kind of liked the "King's Speech", but nothing more. I found the writing somewhat outdated, the game likely nothing more (except Geoffrey Rush, who was lovely), and most of the time, the direction on average. I point out "most of the time", because there were a few scenes with outstanding photography with Miznstznot impressive and very original selections from the director, Tom Hooper. Thus, even while preparing to watch "Les Miserables" academy awards nominees in his prepared myself for a similar case - Director plus a reasonable but banal and ordinary film. And if that's academy awards nominees not enough, even I did not understand why need more processing classic story of Victor Hugo. Nine adaptations were insufficient so far? Worst of all, this is an adaptation of a play on the song, not the book, what I think makes the experience even more damaged. Well, during the first hour of "Les Miserables", I found myself glued to the seat, and twice choked with tears. Which can teach a few things academy awards nominees about expectations and assumptions.
For those not familiar with the story, here is a brief - Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) is an escaped convict goes a religious experience and understands that it must be helped the most destitute of life like him. During the years when he slips his arms a tough police inspector academy awards nominees Z'abr (Russell Crowe), he thrust themselves into false identities, including one of the factory owner and mayor of rundown suburb on the outskirts of Paris. One of his factory workers, academy awards nominees Fantine (Anne Hathaway), fired and deteriorates into prostitution. Jean guilt-ridden that he could not save her in time, and takes her under his wing, where he learns that she has a subsidiary that was sold, sort of, to corrupt Inn (Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen). Jean buys them the girl Kozt (Amanda Seyfried grew up to be) and both spinning them across France, elude the police and try to live their lives. Civil uprising leaders two beautiful academy awards nominees young people (Marius and Ang'lro) academy awards nominees bother them daily lives, academy awards nominees and the fact that Ang'hlro and Kozt fall in love is not conducive to the general mess. In short - a melodrama loaded with luxurious, as befits a play singer.
As mentioned, all my assumptions were broken during academy awards nominees the first hour of "Les Miserables." The film opens with a spectacular scene showing the Jean Valjean and Inspector Z'abr prologue to explain the relationship. Beyond the fact that the scene is filmed in awe-inspiring, it shows the innovation that makes the film a hit globally appreciated - the actors sing in their own voices, and the rest of the result, the soundtrack was written after filming. That is, the players were singing on the set, and recorded B"liib "only after filming re-written the music to match the performance of the players. This may sound like unimportant academy awards nominees decision of the director, but this is a decision that is completely changing the way the film looks and sounds, making it a fascinating experience - since players can play really, not "do with your lips", hoping their game will be uniform. In which Tom Hooper directed the film, Hugh Jackman manages to bring emotions we have not seen him in any movie to date, and Russell Crowe (one of the greatest Hmniiristim Hollywood today) manages to make himself electrifying performance, probably because he does not sing very well, and trying to cover it up Using a precise game.
After fifteen minutes the film I found myself academy awards nominees in tears, repentance sequence against Jean Valjean, Mshuhak supreme masterpiece by Hugh Jackman. What a shame that Daniel Day-Lewis probably will get the Oscar this year for his performance perfect in "Lincoln", because if he was not a candidate, Hugh Jackman was sweeping the award without any doubt - this is one of the best performances I've seen the game in recent years, and the best performer Jackman's movie screen. If that's not enough, twenty academy awards nominees minutes later I found myself almost in front Maeve scene where Hathaway will bring her Oscar. Hathaway performs the Hnambr known I Dreamed A Dream, and Hopper select Hnambr give her one shot nearly Close-Up, without cuts. Well, Hathaway proves now the meaning of the phrase "taking the opportunity with both hands", as she performs the song in such admirable academy awards nominees that she really rake in the Academy Award (for sure) for less than three minutes into the game better. And I make it clear again to me to be clear - I, who despises musicals, I found myself choking with tears in light of the implementation of Hathaway.
The problem is that after an hour in the film is over. The second act begins academy awards nominees with the story and the film goes into the streets of Paris. Now Jean and Kozt increased, and social rebellion is about to break through the streets of Paris. At this point in the film it seems that Hopper spent all his heavy ammunition, and now all he hopes to achieve this vigilance among viewers - otherwise you can not explain the overwhelming boredom is happening on the screen for about an hour and a half. Script as if thrown away, and the term "round figures" feels like the invention was not yet the streets of Paris. The film loses altitude and speed strength, and comes boredom with Nambrim not run out, and decisions are over

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